Richard Dawson's Ghost

2nd Gear: Oh, I’m sure Elon’s family is pretty familiar with doing business in areas known for genocide.

Okay this dude is garbage and should be in jail, and shouldn’t be able to own a firearm ever again.

Pete Davidson is gonna fuck that ferry, isn’t he?

Hoo boy this is a terrible idea. Just imagine how irritating latency issues are, but then strap that to your eyes.

It’s absolutely crazy to me that this car was ever ugly, because it’s possibly the perfect expression of 80s rad car design. Throw some neon lights around it and you’ve got your throwback poster child.

I genuinely hope somebody with their own shop or garage mechanic shops picks it up and gets it working again. It’s a good looking car, and I love these old Merc drop tops.

Well this is a good regular reminder that ACAB.

Yeah that’s my point about familiarity. If you’re used to wrenching on old Mercs and know what you’re doing, maybe you can do the work yourself at an acceptable price point.

My favorite part of this ad is the same smudge on every single picture. Clean your camera my guy.

You know, I’m no mathemagician, but $34 million definitely sounds like a lot more than the zero they were claiming all week.

That’s how you start a fire.

Yes, we can raise salaries across the board without creating inflation. You just have to decrease shareholder profits.

Acura definitely loves to lean on its street/drift racing heritage while offering no cars in the American market that can even remotely live up to that legacy.

Only if I can be your Desi.

Well that’s unamerican and you’re clearly a communist.

My comment about the wheels wasn’t so much about the wheels themselves, but about the person who thinks those wheels are a good idea.

It’s a benefit to everyone but the cars that get demolished by inexperienced teen drivers piloting massive trucks.

Maybe this is some kind of money laundering operation?

Right, right, sorry. Dick Cheney’s ability to buy another yacht is 100% worth some more dead and/or traumatized kids.