Richard Dawson's Ghost

I mean, ICU beds are a pretty major concern, since I could have an accident and die because all the beds are filled with people too dumb to accept an effective, safe vaccine.

You’re being sarcastic but I’m pretty sure this is actually a GOP talking point now.

5th Gear: Thanksgiving travel is back to normal, but probably shouldn’t be. COVID cases are spiking again and everyone is just... acting like it’s over?

Looks to me like that shitbox Yugo is running just as well as that meticulously maintained GTO.

I would like to make my own comment on this, but Kinja isn’t having it.

Lol just straight up double the price with dealer markup. Sure. Yeah. Totally reasonable.

Oh, I’m sure every retiree in my life will be thrilled about this.

I mean it really kind of drives home the point in Se7en or The Usual Suspects.

This is one of those cases where the mileage is suspiciously low. Like, why are there so few miles relative to the age of the car?

This is the kind of completely useless but endearing content I live for.

I’m continually bewildered that the one note joke of “MacGyver but stupid” has such long legs as a concept.

Wow, “The Spirit” is a much better name than Ghostmobile.

Agreed. Police forces intentionally recruit for the kinds of people who don’t ask questions and just follow directions. It’s been demonstrated that departments specifically avoid hiring people with strong critical thinking skills.

How did you know about my silent partner?

I imagine the Wall Street nerds are currently tripping over themselves to throw money at my start up.

Oh! That finally explains why so many people are quitting their jobs right now. Solidarity for celebrity chef Bobby Flay’s contract dispute.

Cool, I guess? Bobby Flay is fine. I don’t have any strong feelings about it.

1st Gear: Joke’s on them, my yet to be established automaker firm Ghostlabs has every intention of selling 1.4 million Ghostmobiles next year. They won’t be strictly EV, though, as they’ll be a new kind of hybrid that uses Spirit Energy to extend the range.

You imagine the dude was going to be doing a lot of knife fighting while he was driving his car home?