
That's typical J. R smith for ya...just lost the biggest game of his life, and still couldn't give A *flying* fuck

or just shut it down because something that works 5% of the time is pretty worthless even if efficiency triples. Not an insult to you, it seems that institutional failure is rampant but it also seems like this is extremely wasteful.

I have no problem with this. To me this is the Darwin equivalent of car buying. Stupid is as stupid does, as our friend Forrest would say.

Holy Shit at that whole draft lottery production! I have experienced less ceremony at a Shinto coming of age ritual.

It’s inspiring that a paunchy, middle aged security guard has convinced himself that his job of stopping idiots on the field is important enough that a diving tackle attempt is the right move.

“Yeah, he’s been with them since back when they were in Brooklyn.”

Yeah, he's been with them since back when they were in Brooklyn.

As a Yankee fan, all I can say is what a gigantic loser and a disgrace to the game of baseball this guy is. I’m really sick of this clown and everything he does. Seriously, get Stephen Drew off the fucking field.

Gymkhana Lemons edition, with Ken Broke

Finnegan probably thought he did some great service by getting Johnson tossed from the game, but his team lost 20-0. That's all that really matters.

The fact that one has moved on from the situation and the other has it hang over his head like a cloud speaks volumes regarding who won and lost.

Cutler will be okay. Marshall was only his third or fourth option depending on how many DBs the other team had on the field.

What are the odds that someone who's a fan of Israel is interested in removing restrictions on people...

"What's certain is that the V10 Plus' brakes stay cooler on a hot summer track day."

Is that so certain? The e-Tron would theoretically be leaning heavily on regenerative braking, and excuse my ignorance to the technology, but wouldn't that reduce the amount of waste heat being produced by the brakes, therefore

What a fundamental life lesson for the girls: it's not whether you win or lose, or whether you've tried your best. It's whether a faceless bureaucrat approves of your paperwork.

My 19 year old nephew has that a low-level diagnosis of the same disorder and also uses pot in the same way to 'level' himself, as he puts it. His mother, (my sister) has been clean and sober for over 22 years, but has been very supportive, though it was hard at first. But she speaks all over California and the west