
Yeah hes good but he’s a twat, I’m the best player in the world, I shove my coach around, I walk with with the ball and get obscene calls from the refs, the decision, the roids and he’s a fucking loser to top it off. He’s athletic and can go off for sure but he didn’t shoot well, not prolific on defense and doesn’t

Wasnt Lebron just doing whatever the fuck he wanted anyway and Blatt just a fill in. Dudes a douche canoe

It was ok Power Stone 1 and 2 were definetly one of the best fighting games ever.


Nintendo coasting off of games from 20 years ago the company sucks

Well put, as some one whos been in the work force doing some pretty high level design work for almost a decade now it still fucking amazes me how some of these idiots have failed upwards for so fucking long and to the top or damn near it.

And the small army that escorts you if you need to wipe a few brown people off of the face of the Earth

You know it’s ran by Jewish people right?

Homeys got that good good (roids)

Two weeks?? I could see two days maybe a week if your a raging asshole, but two weeks? I’m a Patriots fan and Bill needs to check himself or whoever runs voluntary practices.

No you idiot the catcher doesn’t have a right to home without the ball even in the MLB.

You sound like a 50+ year old tight ass white man whos sucked more corprorate cock to get to middle management than whores that came into town for the conevention.

Fuck yes

Lololol what dumpster, whats next branding yourself and selling mattress t shirts

Peasants it’s 65 degrees in my house at all times. I’m inside covering up with blankets when its 90+ outside.

Seriously if your young and not making over 6 figures you have no business buying this shit. Save and invest your money and in 10 years you can buy a Lambo in ninja turtle ooze green

He’s definitely had some good stuff early on but you can’t except most Americans to appreciate a director whos dealt in topics mostly dealing with African American social issues, this country is a shit hole. Also he’s gotten alot older and has been living a lot cushier. Like many artist who find success they lose

Depends is the 20+k sitting in investments making 15 - 20% than it’s better to hold on to it if your loan is only 4 to 5%.

