
Yeah only fags take baths right bro dog!

Should have just gave him the minority treatment and shot his ass and let him dangle.

That’s crazy

If you think this is even close to the most egregious thing that human beings have done for money you might want to go back inside. If Floyd and Manny are making a 100 million dollars of of the fight Vegas is making billions. I’d fuck a dog in the ass while blood rains down on me while the world watched for a billion

I agree this is a true hip hop fans favorite rap group, the author implying other makes me think they have no clue what they’re talking about.

You don’t think the CEO is responsible for any of that? The guy Piech tried ousting? Board members rarely do more than appoint leadership and general direction. You think he as a board member is more responsible than their CEO?

Of those I’ve had personal experience with yes more were than weren’t. This is from my personal anecdotal evidence. Like after communicating and interacting with 75 to 80% of these individuals I’ve said to myself wow what a terrible cunt piece of shit.

Jacoby “Fuck my knee” Ellsbury. Man who the hell is making these decisions in the Yankees organization? Hey this guys pretty good when he’s not injured, which is less than half the time, lots drop a fuck ton of money on him.

Winston has Jamarcus Russel written all over him. Literally millions of dollars on the line and he shows up to camp a fat piece of shit and never mind the rape and stealing crap legs. Maybe if he could stop sucking his own dick for two seconds and act like he wasn’t footballs gift from god he’d be worth something.

This is what happens when you give too much power too a gang of insecure white trash. The NYPD.

This guy is what you would get if Ellen DeGeneres had a sex change procedure.

This guy is awesome, good player and likes to have some fun.

All the fat slobs getting this worked up over some dragons and ferry bull shit TV show are so insufferable.

He’s probably some form of Latin American they’re all douche baggy pieces of shit who are god’s gift to the world, aka dirt poor, uneducated, trashy pieces of shit that are oozing machismo baby!

Like this incident they showed up after everyone was stabbed and bleeding, didn’t catch the guy, won’t follow up, but managed to break the friend to the players ankle who was probably upset and angry over what just transpired. Hahaha fucking pig trash

Usually never do, they’re either too late, or never do the follow up work. Haha dumb asses rarely do more than write a few tickets. Well besides harass poor and colored people. Does anyone here have a story about the hero cop that rushed in and saved the day???

17k car feature and probably even cheaper

That’s kind of emberassing

I can’t stand dumb rich white trash, it’s even more insufferable when you were born or married into it because you don’t even have the redeeming quality of having earned the right to be an insufferable rich prick yourself.

These are good for getting people in but not out. Extraction could come separately at different place but then the mission would have to be very covert.