
So dumb they didn't get any relevant admissions from her before granting immunity??? They should have went full court press until she broke down to save her own ass. Terrible public prosecutor that is probably used to pressuring people into plea bargains for getting caught with dime bags of weed and an assortment of

That's because this post is asinine. You shouldn't eat that much protein in a day. If you do there won't be that much room for carbs which are superior energy source if you plan on working while dieting. You also need you essential fats too, eat a balanced diet high in vegetables and fruit. Just focus on maintaining

I believe that's flicking the ass, slamming the e brake and pinning the accelerator. Count it

This dude is a straight clown, if this is what money does to people maybe im cool with being poor the rest of my life. Ayye your boys coming in on a camel son somebody slap him. Haha

Well let's hope that's the last time you let the office queen participate in the office bracket pool.

Oh another free market dip shit. It's not a free market when they have rules in place preventing people from taking in money sponsors are willing to pay them due to some arbitrary rules some dip shits who probably have no athletic experience aside from skimming money from it.

Because millions of people have seen him act like a punk and then get dealt like with one. One's an all star and one will be forgotten ohhhh about tomorrow.


Maybe that's why he freaked out and bashed her in the head with a rock, she wasn't putting out.

+ 21 steps

How about a hit single, hasn't had one of those in awhile.

I love that the Bears paid Jay Cutler a record deal when he isn't a top ten NFL quarter back, that's their real problem. Dude is trash and will remain trash.

+ Holocaust 2.0

The Mercedes engineer who designed the stick shift?

When will some one answer all the cries for a small inexpensive sporty turbo sports car. Toyota and Subaru screwed up not putting one in their new model, don't make the same mistake Fiat.

Hope he comes to the Patriots to try and win a super bowl. Do it Andre!

Who is asking for this crappy AWD drive system. Put some legit differentials in there and take all the developmental money your saving off the price of the car.

This sounds cheesy as F&@K. Put LSD in it and get rid of this terrible electronic brake vectoring BS it will literally be the reason I don't buy one of these.

As some one who's had to walk that long dark road myself but never was a bad person, I never stole, didn't lose my job, didn't lie about it, it always pains me to see addicts especially ones that are trying to be considered bad people worthy of punishment, criminals even. If your only fucking up your life and aren't

It hurts my soul to see what they've turned it into.