
I don't watch Morning Joe. But in every clip I've seen of him since the election (and some before) he was being a Trump apologist.

Hannity and Morning Joe are having a twitter feud? About what? Who is doing a better job of kissing Trump's butt?

He did? I thought he was awful, and that was my first exposure to him. I didn't finish the season, since I had enough Trump to last me a lifetime about halfway through that season. He's a professional troll, I don't know why anyone employs him for anything.

I was high school age when Madden went to the broadcast booth, and he was a revelation at the time. He actually knew what he was talking about, and didn't just speak in endless cliches. I think he was the first who could draw on the screen, coming along just as the technology improved. He was also about a million

Arizona is blue on 538 today. They have Hillary at 55%. Sherrif Joe is 15% behind in his re-election campaign. I think Arizona will flip.

Look at all the competitions he has been involved in. The Apprentice, like most reality shows, is scripted to a large degree. I'm certain he didn't get to make the decision himself on who to "fire" each week. So that is rigged.

I think to get to 400 she would have to win Texas, which still seems like a stretch.

The Nevada joke from the last season actually happened to Trump! In that he didn't know how to pronounce Nevada and tried to lecture people in Nevada how to pronounce it.

Black Mirror is clearly the best new thing in October.
I will probably end up watching season 3 of The Fall and be vaguely disappointed in it like I was seasons 1 and 2.

I love Jon Miller from his days when he did Orioles games. A large part of the reason I stopped rooting for the Orioles was firing Jon Miller.

I did something similar with Babylon 5 in the days before DVRs and Netflix. I think I picked it up in the middle of season 2, when it was being rerun daily on TBS or TNT. Watched to the end, then saw season 1 and the beginning of season 2.

I heard a description I liked that the kids are in a Spielberg movie, the adults are in a Stephen King movie, and the teenagers are in a John Carpenter movie.

Yea, NBC's coverage was despicable. They had Chris Collinsworth interview Gatlin, and insinuated his 4 year suspension was because a trainer was seeking revenge and rubbed a steroid cream on him without his knowledge. When the truth is he evaded a longer suspension by revealing his sources for steroids and training

The Capitals were actually decent from the 1983 season until they tanked to get Ovechkin in the late 90's, so it's too late for Philip. He probably could have made the team before that, because they were historically awful for a couple years.

Guys like Cruz always do best the first time. He's like Huckabee and Santorum. He'll run in 2020 and get 3% in Iowa and no one will notice when he drops out.

I was worried they would never find an angle that showed if the puck went over the line or not. Thankfully they did and the right team won.

The problem is all of the shows he was on still have Stephen A Smith, who is equally unwatchable and repulsive.

I guess it could be any congressman within range of that station. I lived in the Virginia Beach area in the 80's and early 90's and the stations there were the stations for a chunk of northeastern North Carolina, so I got to see all of the racist Jesse Helms campaign ads from back then.

I live in the Washington DC area and I see all kinds of lobbying ads, so it didn't strike me as strange. Maybe your Congressman is head of the committee that has this bill?

He hasn't already????