
I feel like the star rating system is inherently flawed. This leads me to the discount 5 star and 1 star reviews just as the article seems to indicate. The general theme that I see is that the people who care the least about helping their fellow consumers tend to be very binary in their feedback. It was either

5/5 would star again

As I’ve come to find myself more of an IT person at work, I’ve learned that zip ties are severely frowned upon because they can’t be removed easily and the potential to damage a cable when removing (having to cut them off). I say this especially having a predecessor who fucking zip-tied everything!

For cable and peripheral organization, I do something similar to what Try of My Life in Gaming does; I put everything in labeled Ziploc gallon freezer bags, organized by console (cables, memory cards, controllers for PS2, NES, etc.) or cable type (HDMI, component AV, Audio, etc.), and then I keep these bags in large

i prefer a getting a spool of double sided velcro to zip ties, you can cut them to length and they don’t damage cables by overtightening them the way zip ties do. I do this at work (IT) when I set up workstations to keep them looking tidy, especially in lab environments.

If you really want to keep things looking neat, cable sleeves can be nice to have as well. You can get some that have splits in them so you can have wires poking out where needed, but it can give the whole thing an overall clean look.

1) always move the racks forward enough to allow access to the backside, for equipment with jacks on the backside. Consumer gear usually patches from the back, pro gear often patches from the front, for ease of access.

That’s some mighty sexy cabling management you have going on there.

One thing I don’t think you mentioned is a power strip liberator. If you own any older videogame consoles, you’ll know many of them have large AC adapters that won’t fit on a power strip...especially if the outlet openings aren’t facing towards the outside of the power strip. Using these adapters allows access to all

When we had just one toddler walking, I would challenge him to a footrace anytime I wanted him to pick up the pace. Everything turned into a race until we were at the mall and he ran away from me screaming “Don’t beat me daddy.”

You left out Dropbox and Amazon.

I’m pretty sure the media is wayyy more hysterical about this than the average investor.

I’ve been waiting 22 years for one of my kids to ask me how they determine the maximum weight limit of bridges (Answer: drive bigger and bigger trucks over it until it collapses, and then rebuild it the same way).

No. Hank Hill voice is the official pronunciation of “Tom Landry”. The same goes for “propane”.

Am I the only one here who reads “Tom Landry” and hears Hank Hill’s voice in my head?

Every single Gizmodo, Jezebel and Splinter writer could stand to read this one.

That’s right! You should pack up all your Legos (new and old, just to be sure) and ship them to me for proper disposal.


How do we know if our jamming equipment actually works if we don’t actually attempt to utilize it against our own systems? To say nothing of how the training isn’t as effective if you just have a voice skawking in your ear telling you to turn off your GPS now instead of actually simulating the different levels of