I quit microwaves when I moved to Austin a decade ago, and to this day I STILL have the occasional family member offer to buy me one. Popcorn was the only thing holding me back, previously, so I got an air popper (sorry, but the three kernel thing sounds a tad more complicated than dumping kernels up to the fill…
Yup. If you’re buying a car as a daily driver to safely shuttle yourself and/or family to places necessary for living in the modern world, you are basically buying a tool and should use it and view it as such. If you’re worrying about it being a depreciating asset, you’re investing wrong.
While this is only tangentially related, it’s still my favorite Not-Having-A-Microwave story:
I was looking for a place to live closer to my job, and wound up interviewing with three women who shared a house and had an open 4th bedroom (their previous roommate had apparently been “a drama queen” who messed with…
Yes, a car is not an investment it is a sunk cost just like rent or your electricity bill. You have people carrying a balance on their credit cards at double digit rates which is far worse than a 4% loan.
You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’
Admittedly, option 2 is the only way to be sure.
Small humans will conveniently fit in your conventional oven. —
Exactly what I was thinking. I can’t count on two hands the number of times I’ve been called by friends and relatives to retrieve an orphan girl from a xenomorph egg-room, where there are only two options for extermination. While a flamethrower isn’t the best way, the other involves orbital nukes.
Friends give me shit for reading the manual of every gadget I get (including those that come with a house - manuals are online people, Google them) but this is why. I want to know how to use the stuff I own.
When I was a little guy my Dad got me something called a 200-in-1. It came with a book of 200 projects for kids. You hooked wires into the little spring clips located all over the board, it was really simple. You could make a radio an electronic buzzer, switching mechanisms, light things up... I spent hours fiddling…
The third edition D&D rules define “law” and “chaos” as follows:
Kids. Yes, for your “kids”.
This in no way contributes to the dicussion, but I had to put my dog down literally just last night. This might be the most timely and useful article I’ve seen on LH. Thanks for it.
This made me crazy the other day when the wife sent me to the store explicitly to acquire margarine.