The deck of an aircraft carrier. Think about it, he starts of playing around on a runway were he catches up to a taxing Navy C130. The crew chief drops the Ramp and he loads up. They fly him out to an Aircraft carrier were he does his thing above and bellow deck.
It is pretty good. Never seen it, my folks had it at the house so I had to try it.
hahaha. If I could heart click you I would
Tank is that small. However when I am heading ( think it's in San Marcus) to my parents house in San Antonio on weekends I stop at a gas station called Buc-ee's that has 93 for 3.24 a gallon
Well with this car never, unless they happen to be dual amputees. But yeah that is a huge gain, my WRX did between 21-23mpg regularly. Also cost me $26 in premium to fill the FRS
I had to drive 3 hours to find one so i understand.
Haha. It's all part of my master plan to convince more people into buying them, so more companies will make lighter funner cars.
Thanks man. Yeah i know, lighting was horrible that day very cloudy. Also this was the first time I've used a full manual lens (f/ and focus) so i need some practice. I'll get to your level one day!
all WRXs are 5x100, only STis are 5x114. They may need spacer for the width though
Fuel economy is good, I average about 27mph again on high speed highways (75-80MPH speed limits and usually 5 over) and lots of "city" driving. Cargo space is limited, i see the back seat as an extension of the trunk. Great Daily honestly
Come to Kuwait for a few days and you'll understand why everyone drives. This is coming from someone who takes the leather express all day everyday here, and it sucks pretty bad.
to big.
Because we have those already, we just call them RG33s, Caiman, Maxxpros,Cougar or buffalos.
2nd gear:
I could care less about how it looks as long as it;
Someone in Cali go grab the seats out of the IS-F. Would make a great gaming chair...
True but it only took one rock hitting my face and leaving a nice little cut for me to learn my lesson. I guess she learned the hard way as well... the real hard way
I've heard another, more recent name for them but i cant recall what it was. I also recall a few occasions were DEVGRU was supposedly disbanded by the Navy. The sad truth of it is, the less the general public knows about these guys the safer it is for them and their families.