Ohmygod, completely agree! Can we put queer and trans characters into every tv show/film from now on so that there’s nothing left for these assholes to watch? Could we even do it retroactively with CGI?
I am 100% here for making it so that bigots can’t enjoy a fucking thing.
I would star you more, but I can’t. You went there. She should have been arrested and taken to jail for a bullshit call to 911. This could have cost the young man his life.
This bitch needs to be put on blast. Put her name and her damn employer’s name out there too. She needs to be unemployed until she can learn some goddamn manners.
Calling her “a Karen” really trivializes what she attempted to do (she has more in common with Carolyn Bryant), which was sic the police on this young man knowing DAMN WELL that there could have been a high probability that the situation could have escalated leaving Mr. Harmon either injured or dead but she continued…
It seems appropriate for HER to talk about it with him.
What she’s providing to her son is a sanitized version of these things, especially the sex work, to justify her own actions to him.
Given the fact that his mother is a famous sex worker, and the reasonable likelihood that he could be bullied about it in school, I can understand why his mother might have wanted to preempt the bullying, misinformation, and shaming.
I mean if some a-hole kid is going to try to bully him because of his Mom then he shouldn’t be in the dark for the reason why. I doubt she explained the “mechanics” to him, there’s a way to discuss bodily autonomy and sex-related labor without being obscene.
His brain isn’t even fully developed yet. That’s pedophilia.
I can, but in your scenario, the judgement would be that the man is a borderline pedophile skeeze and the 24-year-old woman is being taken advantage of even though she’s an adult capable of making her own decisions about who she dates and consents to have sex with. Duh!
Jesus. Can anyone imagine Jezebel publishing an article about a 51 year old man dating a 24 year old woman and asking how the man is able to tolerate the young woman and speculating about her sexual prowess?
A while back, somewhere between the 1,917th and the 2,390th screeching dingbat rant on this topic, I asked for the definitive ruling on what is an acceptable age gap. Still waiting.
I envy those of you who live in a place where ordering sandwiches anyplace other than Subway is an actual option.
I’m wondering how Netflix plans to handle the case of “households” not being defined by a physical location. After all, they don’t have Household Plans... they have Family Plans. A family is not a household. I have a daughter in her first year of college. She’s doing school full time and not working. She’s on my…
I’m paying for my son’s college tuition, room & board, car & car insurance and health insurance. Why should I need to pay for TWO accounts while he is away at college? He’s part of my family.
That would depend on where you live.
When every studio and publisher has created their own platform and we’re expected to buy a subscription to all of them? Yes.
Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends