Rhys Laverty

See, as much as I don’t like the scene and as much as I don’t think it works, it does not at all come off as a masturbatory fantasy for King or anyone else. I honestly don’t think he got his jollies from writing the scene. And the reader is clearly not supposed to be aroused by it. Whatever he was going for didn’t

As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a Joker...

Was waiting for someone with a bit of sense to chime in as to why Norse mythology doesn’t exactly carry the same cultural weight across multiple international markets. Well done.

and in paris, this will be released as thor: battle royale with cheese

Now playing

Interesting and ironical casting. Anyone here recall how utterly FANTASTIC Michael Sheen was in his role as House in Doctor Who? The very same episode, I might add, which was penned by Neil Gaiman...

Exclusive photo of their most disappointed fan.

The Empire Strikes Back

Lucas is a good visual and FX director and good at story concepts. You know what you get when Lucas hands off his ideas to another writer and another director?

The same way that so many reasonable, empathetic liberals come from bigoted conservative families, probably. They found an ideological system that resonated with them and rejected their family’s input.

I get this, but in reverse. In an argument with my father this weekend, he took the side of Nazi protesters and told me that if I wasn’t so pathetic I’d be able to do something to improve my life and the lives of my family. Because I believed the government should condemn nazism.

Stunt work is serious business. I know some of us pick on a movie when, during a stunt, it is more apparent than we’d like that the star isn’t the one who is dangling from a speeding truck, but stunt work is a whole additional skill set on top of being an action movie actor. This is also why I still give Jackie Chan a

I really hope they allow her to get better this season. And, you know, save some people without compromising herself. Hopefully with Malcolm’s help. It was so cathartic when he answered the phone in the last scene.

Oh for sure. Even at the end of the season, when things are “resolved” it’s pretty clear that they weren’t resolved for her, just incrementally better than they were at the beginning of the season.

I like to point out that the snapping wasn’t for herself. She did it for everyone else who could have become Killroys victim in the future. It was a pyrrhic victory at best. A final solution, again, not for herself, but the purple problem.

I would assume so. JJ was, to me, a show about how the persistence of trauma; letting her just snap a neck out of it would cheapen the whole thing.

My money is on flashback, or seeing visions of him from time-to-time during stressful situations.

I really hope it’s just flashbacks. It would make sense - ptsd doesn’t vanish just because the source of it vanishes.

So....Rey’s father confirmed?

“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and