
The whole incident is obviously a total nightmare and no one is ignoring the tragic death of Saman Gunan. But the extraction phase of the operation is going well relative to how bad it could have gone down. It is a testament to rescue team’s hard work and dedication under unimaginable circumstances that as of right

It’s mind-boggling to think that there are that many emergency rescue workers in the world skilled enough, brave enough, and crazy enough to pull this off. It’s also great to know they showed up when and where they were needed. Here’s hoping they get themselves and all those trapped in the cave out safely.

Agreed. Be more like Maxine Waters and nothing like Chuck Schumer. 

I spent last Saturday afternoon, as I have many Saturday afternoons in the past six years, with my 17-year-old

Another awful note on top of all of this: nearly half of Central American babies are breastfed until age 2.

I keep waiting to hear this news about Zimmerman.

Or maybe they’re just...quiet? Sorry...I get what you’re saying, but as a shy and quiet person with social anxiety I always hated being singled out and it made me so uncomfortable and unhappy throughout school. There must be other criteria besides “quiet” to look out for.

The reason most parents fail to do all that is because they don’t think about it, don’t want to really commit to it, or don’t realize how important it is. If you’re terrified of failing in this particular way, that’s because you’re serious about succeeding in this particular way, and half the battle is getting to that

“Character does not stand still. It can gather strength. It can also deteriorate. What a person really is, is only apparent when the test comes—that is, the moment when you stand or fall on your own feet.”

Re: the “sweet quiet boys”thing.

This man is one of the most dangerous pseudo-intellectuals active today. Almost every white man I know from High School who has struggled to find happiness or fulfillment in their lives have turned to his ideology and eventually joined the alt-right. It’s surreal. I miss the days where disillusioned youth dropped acid

This is why I wish sex work and sex workers weren’t so stigmatized. I’ve long thought sex work needs to be legal, regulated, unionized, and taxed.

You and me both. I have been through the ringer in life, and all its taught me is to try to be kind to everyone and maybe understand where people are coming from...cause you have no idea the shit they have waded through themselves....I think some people are just born, or made to be, broken.

That running video pairs up so nicely with Yakety Sax.

No surprise there. I bet he has plenty of domestic abuse in his history.


I am so sorry you are feeling all these things. If it matters, what you did or didn’t do in college REALLY doesn’t matter in the long run. There’s no “oh you only partied A LITTLE BIT in college?” or anything.