
I feel like there should be some Seal News and the leading story is “What young seals are doing now will shock you! Tonight our reporter talks about the new craze hitting the beach this fall Ealing and how you can identify if your seal pup is doing it too.”

We’re subconsciously embarrassed by our moobs. If it were an author writing a true male character, you’d get something like:

Well yea if you want to get technical about it the kid wasn’t trying to be racist. They were clearly succeeding at it!

who is obviously upset that no one thanked him for his service as an Officer in the Old Navy

There is nothing not funny about googly eyes. Ever. I hope someone puts them on the urn containing my remains.

This is better:

From the profile:

I want him to have a massive stroke and be bedridden and unable to communicate for years while he has to watch as his asshole children bicker endlessly and make terrible decisions on his behalf. “No, I get the gold bedpan!” “He likes me best, I should get it!”

PS: the book The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout, PhD, is an excellent resource for identifying and dealing with this kind of person. (It’s all on the narcissism/sociopath/psychopath spectrum. Really a matter of degree of the same thing, which is essentially a lack of empathy.

On the other hand serial killers and other criminals often target sex workers because they know they're not as protected by the law. And legalizing or decriminalizing sex work could involve putting in place requirements to be continuously tested for diseases in order to keep your "license".

But even IF he was waiting on a super big cocaine crack drug gang deal... this is still breaking and entering and murder.  They can’t find enough made-up skeletons in his hypothetical closet to change that fact.

As the public has seen with other police shootings, verbal commands are seemingly made as the trigger is starting to be squeezed. How does one fail to comply or respond to verbal commands if one is shot so quickly?

cops aren’t required or expected to balance their fears and impulses with responsibility and accountability

Ok, maybe she didn’t notice the carpet. Our eyes get deceived. I suppose that could happen. But how many things did she have to not notice in order to confuse this man’s home with her own? She just missed a whole floor while parking. You’d think she would notice a lack of familiar cars parked around her. I’m not sure

As a dispatcher, the longest shift I ever worked was 16.5 hours. Afterwards, I got into my car, drove the 45 mile trip home, and walked inside my own home. I didn’t shoot anyone, I didn’t drive recklessly. Hell, I even stopped off at the McD’s for two cheeseburgers and a Coke to munch on as I drove.

Amber Guyger told authorities that she issued verbal commands that Botham Jean “ignored” just prior to her shooting him to death in his own apartment.

I think the root of the issue is that cops aren’t required or expected to balance their fears and impulses with responsibility and accountability. Walking into the wrong apartment and being scared is understandable, but it is not ok to blindly shoot at and try to kill the thing that spooked you. If you or I shoot

This whole “after working a full shift” narrative that they have been pushing since the beginning screams cover-up. I work a full shift a lot and don’t go killing my neighbors because of bad judgement. I’ve worked 24 hour shifts before. Any dead neighbors? No.

APPARENTLY his crime was not locking his own door.

This situation is one of the rare cases in which all-caps yelling is acceptable.