
I worked 12 hours shifts as an ambulance dispatcher (no naps and an hour commute each way) and double shifts at a nursing home (16 hours no naps) and managed to not shoot anyone. This lack of sleep thing is some bs excuse. She didn’t fall asleep at the wheel and have a car accident. She walked into his apartment and

Thank you for sharing. I will be using this as an example of how to respond in my Victimology and Juvenile Delinquency (I teach a section on child maltreatment in that class.) classes.

Hey -

I was going to be an astronomer at 18. That didn’t work. Then I was going to be pre-med. People die, I take it personally...That wasn’t going to work. I studied biology and physics. Dabbled in web design for a while. Then I went back to grad school to study social movements. Now I am a sociologist/criminologist and I

The (In)Justice Department is also changing the way that they gather data for the National Crime Victimization Survey.

I just had the talk with my daughter about how to handle situations like this. She’s 11. Luckily, nothing like this has happened to her but unfortunately, odds are she will have to deal with some asshole at some point. I’m afraid that I should send her out into the world armed like Xena the Warrior Princess. Maybe she

I would secretly watch when I was home sick or when my younger sister and brother would watch. I’m very anxious and the show was so calming and safe.

More power to François and to you, Latoya. Adenomyosis and endometriosis suck. It seems to me that the jury is still out on the best way to treat both conditions. I had both. I made the choice to have a partial hysterectomy. I then had to have both ovaries removed and about a foot of intestine (endo can infiltrate the

I hope that he gets abdominal adhesions and he can’t take painkillers because they make him constipated. It is the perfect fate for someone so nasty. Slow death by fecal impaction.

Congrats on running the Chicago and NYC marathons! :-)

It is 2017 and I just had to write an email to my fucking department reminding them that stripper jokes are not appropriate for faculty meetings. The guys who told the joke are supposed to be sex positive and feminist. Agggh!!!!

Thanks. :-) She can tell you about all kinds of diseases and runs differential diagnoses on her dolls.

My daughter was an E. coli bacterium. She loves microbiology.

Where I’m at this is starting to sound like a good idea.

Session has a tell. He smirks when he is lying.

We marched in Pocatello, Idaho today. The march was 500 strong. :-)

I know that up-thread there were some comments about sex offender registries. There was also quite a bit of misinformation about recidivism rates for sex offenders. This https://www.smart.gov/SOMAPI/sec1/ch5_recidivism.html offers a good breakdown of studies of sex offender recidivism. Here are the key points for