
I'd be interested in their methodology. It just says this advertising firm figured it out somehow. As far as anyone knows they just randomly chose state names.

His first example of an application for this technology is to manipulate people for sales. Alas.

Well she is a goddess or some such, perhaps they're prehensile or something.

Oops, besides the Mountain in Yukon, of course.

Interesting. There are a few JFK places in Canada but all in Quebec. I wonder why? That is, I could see there being none or a few scattered here and there but why all 6 in Quebec?

Ha, conjugate the verb "to long".

This is one problem that is not difficult for me to resolve. My only quandary is which kid will be able to handle the most debt.

How Much Screen Time Should Children Get Every Day?

Interesting. I never see anti-vaccine stuff in my news feed or anywhere except in articles like this one. The "deniers" exist, obviously, but I've never heard from any of them. I'm not terribly interested in their point of view so perhaps I just haven't looked around for it.

Perhaps you should check up on the literature regarding transgenesis.

GMO is not natural nor could it happen naturally (e.g. Salmon simply cannot mate with a strawberry and even if they could it would produce nothing) and thus the theory of evolution is besides the point here.

I am also surprised when a colleague at work ask me to look at something on their computer and half the page is taken up with moving, flashing rubbish. I find it distracting but they don't seem to mind it while they're trying to get work done.

The title of the document says Global but does not mean that they tried to find info on every country. They chose 60 countries as a representative group which explains why Canada, New Zealand a lot of Western Europe have the designation "no data". That is, they didn't make any effort to get the data as some countries

OK, call it a lack of self control. What difference does it make what it is. If they don't have the ability to stop themselves (whether that reason makes you think less of them or not) they need help to stop.

OK, call it a lack of self control. What difference does it make what it is. If they don't have the ability to stop themselves (whether that reason makes you think less of them or not) they need help to stop.

I prefer to call it the number sign and somehow it doesn't make one bit of difference. I also pronounce gif with a hard g sound in the extremely rare instance when I actually say it out loud to the exact same effect.

Interesting. This is exactly what we do with our kids. They each (two) have a book that they write down their desires for purchases. If in a month they still desire the toy then we talk about how we'll go about acquiring it. It's pretty rare that they desire the object very much after a month but it does happen. It's

So this will garantee that "rich people" will be driving way faster in parking lots because speed bumps won't make much difference to them. But I guess rich folk get a pass in much of life already.

Either NSA staff are remarkably incurious or this list is hardly exhaustive. Or perhaps the NSA really has no clue what their staff are doing all day long.

I guess if I was familiar with the photos this would be a lot more evocative but alas...