
I've often seen "/sarcasm" used (without the quotation marks) when trying to convey this meaning. It's simple and to the point if you're not able to get across what you're trying to convey, which most people rarely do well with just words. This may be more pronounced in forums such as this.

They have colour segregated bike weeks? What a weird place.

I have never understood why people don't take a recipe card with the words of the thing on it. It's the time to be singing a song not seeing how good your memory stands up under pressure.

Did a quick check out of curiosity and they're all being madly torrented already. I guess that was to be expected.

Thanks for fixing that.

You misspelled "Darth Vader" as Dark Vader in your link to the creators website.

A friend who's an assistant to a CEO of a local corporation was dubbed a genius because she was able to save him hours of work by showing him that he could send the same email to multiple people simultaneously without having to rewrite it every time. The mind boggles.

After the adjective "hilarious" lured me in, I'm having some viewers remorse.

I suspect all the time pieces shown here are more expensive than most people are willing to afford. Standard watches are still readily available for a fraction of the price of these things if you just want to know the time. However, whereas watches used to be almost a necessity (seemingly) and most people wore one, I

Throwing out bacon fat?! You're crazy. It's good for cooking eggs or stir fry or anything else you want to fry up. Pour it into a jar and put it in the fridge.

Not that I'm aware of but I always read reviews etc. so this has never happened to me. Not even with a free app on the play store.

What in the world? I've only been hit there a handful of times and I played a lot of sports without proper equipment. You'd need to be really working at it to add up to anywhere near an hour even.

No one deserves to be cheated.

I've never heard it used to mean "out of contact", or if I have I didn't pick up on it. Perhaps it's due to not being in the USA. It's an interesting sense of the term, although I don't understand why it would mean that. The money one makes sense to me. However, an idioms (as I explain to my 6 year old all the time)

Wait a minute. I thought we (Canada) were the haven for US terrorists. Now it turns out some Asian foreigners are the haven for US terrorists? That is messed up. I don't know if we should ram the Keystone XL pipeline through your country or not anymore.

I could see how apple would think this is great but anyone that doesn't have an iPhone it's worse than useless.

I so hope you're correct.

Is it just me or is the slider graphics different blues? The static pictures below are the same seemingly, though.

Gin and Tonic or a martini. Can't get much simpler (aside from neat, of course).

I usually say something like, "That's interesting, I've seen this before, too. I found this site instructive - www.snopes.####" or other debunking web page that I found useful for the given foolishness.