
It is reusable but you're going to get another "reusable piece of molded plastic" with every purchase. This is a piece of marketing garbage and dyrtdawwwg is correct in his assessment of this company.

-14 with the windchill here in Saskatchewan.

I use SocialFixer so most changes pass me by without my noticing. However, I don't think these latest changes have been instituted where I am yet. I shut socialfixer off briefly and didn't see much difference.

This article is like a Seinfeld episode. There are these rules that aren't rules but are postulated as universal by the author to get a laugh or something. If you are in that segment of the population that feels the way the rule suggests you feel then it's a rule, otherwise it's not a rule.

"One female can produce 1,200 eggs a year"

Wouldn't the Argentinian example be better as an honourable mention or something since it never actually happened. All the other ones were real and cost real money, or am I missing something here.

There was this guy named Louis Pasteur (he died a long time ago so I guess it's possible you've never heard of him) who proved that spontaneous generation of life from non-living things (e.g. unwashed sheets) was false. Bed bugs come from other bed bugs and they never apply for a visa before moving to your house.

Almost all animals have a central nervous system, if not a brain per se. However, whether they feel pain as we understand pain is still disputed (e.g. insects, jelly fish). That is, they respond to "negative" stimuli by avoiding or pulling away but is it because of "pain"? At least when I last saw stuff about this,

Shucks. Leaves me out. With a meter of snow still on the ground the only signs of spring are some puddling here and there. More snow forecast in the next few days.

I understand that. I never bought the digital versions of my text books for my degree for that exact reason. But much of my reading for pleasure, I just read page after page until I'm done and do little or no flipping around. I like my ereader (kobo for those who care) because I can carry 100 (or more) different books

It's very gratifying to hear that. Kudos on your brewing endeavours. Do you submit any for judging or are they just for drinking?

I think it's only beers that have significant sediment that you wouldn't want to store them on their side. You can still do it if you don't mind the sediments being stirred up when you pour the beer out. Most of the popular commercial beers (e.g. Coors) have no sediment so you can feel free to store them anyway you

It's just another in a long line of products that solve a problem no one actually has.

It's an irritation to me, as well, when they refuse passwords because of an unknowable transgression of the rules (at least unknowable without leaving the page to find them). The rules should be right next to where they want you to put your password in.

Why would you use anyone's face at all? Just create a face and use that. If you're using CGI already why complicate it with notoriously troublesome actors?

Yeah, that's what I thought too. There's the Oort cloud yet, although it's actual size is disputed.

There are very few powerplants that use wood as fuel. I suspect there are none in areas that have hand dryers but I don't know for sure.

You understate the level of sloth found in most households. It's not the time, it's the "doing something rather than nothing" paradigm. How can I lay on the couch and watch TV and cook supper at the same time?

I always use adblocking software and have done as long as it's been around. I see no value in traditional advertising. If I need something I look for it. I don't want a "well-meaning" staff person at a store bringing item after item for me to look at and asking if I want it, either. If I need help I'll ask for it.

It actually is a concern to people in those countries although not so much for the animals' welfare but rather for their infrastructure. Electrocution is apparently pretty rare but the nests are very flammable. Check out the link for evidence of their concerns.