
"Actually a lot of the large brewers that use clear or green bottles do not use hops in the beer"

So cigarette manufacturers may lose some business? That's terrible. Oh wait, I don't care one bit. An product that when used exactly as designed eventually kills most of its users doesn't get much sympathy from me.

A chastity belt? Is this contraband or merely titillating? Does the TSA catalogue everything it finds? If so, there's a reason these guys need to be taken down a notch.

Antibacterial soap does no better than regular soap anyway. It's a total waste of money.

"very high class, with business suits… it was strange that they would rent an apartment when they clearly could afford a hotel."

2% ?! This is an outrage! Where have I gone wrong that my twitter account is even unappealing to fake twitter accounts.

Yes, especially with the free 20 Gig upgrade.

We don't have A/C. We are on the Prairies so it cools down at night. So we open up windows and doors at night and by the morning the house is quite cool. Then you close it up tight during the day and close the drapes and blinds. It does a good job of keeping the house quite cool most of the time.

These things don't work on any species of mosquito (or any other kind of insect) and for the record neither do the ones made for mice and other rodents. This is classic snake oil stuff.

This doesn't seem crazy to me at all. A lot of people don't need or want to pay for the high end phones. People who don't have the latest seem apologetic at times for it but I figure if you don't need it why pay for it. Full disclosure: I have a Galaxy Nexus.

So it's like BB Messenger then?

Pedantry alert.

McAfee sure hopes this is true but I suspect there's a hackaround for it already.

The trouble is we have no evidence that anything lives anyplace else but earth. We have a tiny sample size (n=1) so it's tough to extrapolate anything except what we know. That is, all life, that we know of, requires water and we don't even understand how life started on earth so they have to start somewhere.

You forgot to mention that you expect all those things without having to pay for it. Free labour. What a great country.

Well who wouldn't be perplexed by that? Oh right, everyone on earth except Justin Haver.

Oh great. Just what the world needs. The people that use the most resources already (this is likely to only be within reach of the very wealthy) will live even longer. I can't think of one thing that could be a problem with that.

What is the incidence of disease from utensil-table interaction? I suspect it approaches zero.

How about an extension that banishes all the pictures of people's pets that they inexplicably treat as if they were actual human children.

If the system is set up in such a way that several teams have an incentive to throw games then the system is broken and a new system needs to be put in place. A system should have strong incentives to win every game and really have no incentives to throw any.