
And yet you're still watching into its third season.

I've been thinking prior to this episode how cool it would be if in bringing Mockingbird's comics bracelet into the show's suit, they could implement some sort of magnetic retrieving function to justify it beyond aesthetics.

This is the first show since the double cancellation massacre of Enlightened and Bunheads that I will actually ache over losing if it receives a similar fate.

oh I agree. the lack of visual flair is often my biggest gripe with the show. it's just, I think it has improved considerably next to the trash that was S1 so I'm willing to give it credit where it's deserved. I just think making the same complaint in almost every damn review is lazy and annoying.

it's just lazy criticism. The first Iron Man (hell most of the MCU) is fairly flat and lacking in visual style but it makes up for it in the actors and character writing that is so, so strong.

Sava strikes me as someone who's never going to be fully satisfied by anything the show does. Early reviews were begging for May to get priority, now she does in arguably the best episode since "Melinda" for her character development and somehow that isn't enough anymore.

I always look forward to Greenberg's episodes the most after Mo and Jed's. Dude knows how to funny and action so well.

Liked the pilot, loved this episode. The writers basically addressed every long term potential issue I might've had with the show by being more subtle and giving a very smart and solid mission statement for Kara and why Superman's shadow is actually a motivator.

I probably would've given the episode an A just on the basis of the butter commercial origin story scene but the fleshing out of Heather and Josh plus those brilliant musical numbers? I think I'm in love.

Been hoping for that since halfway through Season 2.

Please shave.

Eh, Simmons' PTSD was so overblown by some people. Yes, she woke up clutching her blade thingy and her senses were out of wack adjusting to Earth but she hasn't at all appeared as harrowed as people say she has. Everything that triggered her being so upset was pretty explicitly explained in this episode.

yes, both of you are.

been hoping for that since halfway through season 2

that little detail was gorgeous

I'm dying at all the neckbeards online furious that Simmons met a dude on the planet and boned him. They're all crying about poor Fitz getting eternally friendzoned, and turning on Simmons for it. Losers.

that's fair (and I don't mean to be another annoying av club commenter who bitches about the grade) I just feel like this episode was the one with the most signs pointing to the show gelling together.

kinda stunned by the grade, I thought this was the strongest episode yet. it's so shocking to see a show air on network television that is as ballsy and interested in mental illness as this one is while being fucking hilarious, heartwarming and original as well.

oh I agree with that. I'm just saying the connection between Sava's complaint and the show falls flat for me.

I think what's sadder is that in addition to AoS having only killed TWO black characters throughout its 2 seasons, Sava is trying to tie Deathlok's origin into a death somehow?