
why is it being so slept on? best book at Marvel right now.

Mockingbird is probably the most overlooked book right now at Marvel so I'm stoked it's this week's big issue. Easily one of the best books going and I can only hope Marvel supports it as long as Cain wants to write it.

still bummed about Most Wanted not going forward. Adrianne/Bobbi deserve a live action spotlight.

'Shoes' was (and still is) so great for just popping up out of nowhere and being so bizarrely funny when YouTube was still in its infancy. I remember my friend showing me it right before it exploded in popularity (and was then subsequently beaten into the ground) and laughing so damn hard going "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS"

Pre-Bravo "Boards on Boards" Twop was amazing. Previously.TV is the successor to that so not sure what's exciting about this.

of course it was! This is Sam Raimi. Everyone reacting to Peter in that scene is laughing AT him.

Ew. Logan encapsulated everything wrong about the money and privilege world that Lorelai ran away from and brought out that world in Rory and pretty much ruined her character.


it's funny seeing some people I otherwise love from Twop cling to the fact that this is AWFUL news when Logan was just announced as returning. I hate all of Rory's boyfriends but at least Jess gave Luke a lot of great development and didn't want a creepy 50s housewife out of Rory.

Uh Lauren Graham just came off leading Parenthood for six years and wrote a bestselling book. She ain't hurting.

Well this is fucking bizarre and disappointing. I can't see how this isn't in McCarthy's court though, her tweet is kinda shady.

I'm stunned and so pleased to see one of the most underrated games (and one of my favourites) receiving coverage on here.

I don't think they need to be more positive, I think they need to be constructive and actually considerate to what the show is trying to achieve on its merits.

Except he wants it to be something it's not which makes his standards for it unfair and at times, just absurd.

people still do this?

Also that Rosalind dream scene was so damn unearned.

LOL, ONTD - and then I noticed her posting on the comment sections of TVLine and SpoilerTV.

Flash does its comic book stuff PERFECTLY and I think usually more entertaining when it's ON - and then you get the trash they try to pass off as "drama" through Iris' long lost family story or characters just being entirely idiotic for the sake of the episode.

Not that I don't agree tonight's episode was mediocre, but here's Sava once again proving why he shouldn't be reviewing this show anymore:

hahaha, does this nutjob go by "KlutzyGirl" by any chance?