
what's critical thinking have to do with quantifying Deathlok's origin and an ambiguous death scene in tonight's ep as the show having an issue with black characters? it's maybe the silliest attempt at a callout of the show I've seen yet because it's almost entirely unfounded

I love the Flash so, so much but I don't think anything on AoS has had as dumb a moment as Barry's dad leaving town just cuz. So while AoS' writing is generally good and solid, it gets hammered for a lack in style whereas others are welcomed despite some truly awful writing and it's frustrating to see anything it does…

Love this feature and the chosen show but I find this selection…odd. They Shoot Gilmore's Don't They is an excellent choice but a series finale and a fight episode six years in the making (featured in a season that really isn't very good) is a strange pick.