@LTMP: LOL. That sounds like something I would do. I'm well known for reflexively protecting my beer when I should be far more concerned for my own personal safety. Unfortunately, I don't have a story nearly as good as that one. :)
@LTMP: LOL. That sounds like something I would do. I'm well known for reflexively protecting my beer when I should be far more concerned for my own personal safety. Unfortunately, I don't have a story nearly as good as that one. :)
@Syntaxatron: No, I read it. My contention for the use of the term "drone" is that it implies that anyone who doesn't follow your advice is not thinking. I just don't like egoistic bullies.
@TheNimboo: I wasn't drawing a comparison between political views but to Fox News's practice of sensationalist journalism that incites anger and distrust all the while pretending to be news.
@xaronax: I am calm. My bullshit filter is in tact, which is exactly why I am capable of observing the changes in Gizmodo's tone over the years.
@Syntaxatron: Drones. Ha! I get it. Like, we are all so much stupider than you because of who provides our mobile service. Drones! Like autonomous machines without free will! Genius. Pure genius.
Now Gizmodo, don't you feel a little silly for your alarmism yesterday?
@Matt0505: I agree. "AT&T is Capping Uploading Data Speeds" is a sensationalist headline if I've ever seen one. Giz could keep the linkbait and still be sensationalist, but maintain some credibility by at least making the title a question: "Is AT&T Capping...?"
@buckleyneko1: Verizon turned Apple down, but Verizon sucks too, so don't waste your energy. Verizon is notorious for screwing its customers, but they get a free pass because they don't carry the iPhone. Just wait until the iPhone comes to Verizon, then we can see all of these articles complaining about Verizon too. I…
Who cares?
Any Mac fan would know that it's a Mac, not a MAC. I'm surprised Jobs even responds to people who write this poorly. I wouldn't.
@F00fybunny: Look up "confirmation bias."
@superberg: I know, right?
Giz, where do you find these loons? Tell Ariel not to be such a douchebag. We have plenty of douchebags at BP and in Congress to ridicule.
@coldfuzion: More power to you, but don't delude yourself into thinking that the Incredible and the EVO haven't had problems too. They just haven't garnered as much attention because... well... they aren't the iPhone.
@tkavil3: That's certainly possible. It is also likely that Apple, being Apple, was concerned that too many third-party cases were covering the Apple logo and making iPhones look like any other cheap phone. A huge part of Apple's marketing is tied up in gadget envy, and that doesn't work if your device isn't readily…
@AlienSix: That's not Apple's style. The thing about Apple is that they convince us to spend inordinate amounts of money on their stuff. We hand it over willingly.
@JohnnyricoMC: And multitasking isn't really mulitasking either considering that the CPU can only process one instruction at a time, so scratch multitasking for all of them.
Wouldn't have happened if he was in line for an Android phone.