@Kwinten: Me neither. I'm young. I love and appreciate the iPhone but I am not oblivious to its faults. I am a programmer by trade but don't care at all about hacking my phone. And I never complain and have no intention of ever switching to Android.
It looks like they finally moved the vents. I have an E3000 that works well provided I place small styrofoam blocks underneath it to allow heat to escape. Otherwise, it starts dropping the connection after a few hours of use. But, with the styrofoam blocks, it has been running beautifully for over a year now, only…
I got tired of Verizon's unexplained charges and their shitty customer service, so I switched to AT&T. Fuck you Verizon! Oh wait...
@Katie Fulton: For better or worse, being discontent with what one has is the driving force behind capitalism. Since so few people can actually break into the higher social and economic classes due to the inordinate mass of wealth and power at the top, the rest of us serfs are left to squabble over who has the…
@Dr-Rockso: If you've ever been the victim of strong arm robbery, you'd know why it should be punished so harshly. In some cases, victims are spared any harm other than simply losing their property, but in many cases, victims are both physically and mentally assaulted, resulting in lifelong anxiety and distrust of…
@nemoo: He will likely only serve a few months. Don't worry: he'll be back out in no time ready to steal your phone, or maybe he will graduate to auto theft.
Vote: TextMate
Creepy android head wobble at around 0:42.
You can talk yourself into eating unsustainable, monocultured processed shit if you want to, but save me the fucking holier-than-thou speech. I'd prefer that my food not need a ten paragraph explanation of where it came from and why I should eat it.
@MyLittleBuddha: What you're describing isn't a hipster, just an asshole.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Just like maps.
@mb: I don't understand. With Gmail, you don't have to "dig" through anything. Old responses are automatically hidden unless you reveal them. New responses always show up first, unless you methodically reveal each and every message preceding it.
@DangerousLiberal: Allergies aside, if cats were people we'd call them assholes. I never understood what people saw in cats, aside from the obvious cute kitten stage, I mean.
I am severely allergic to cats. That looks a nightmare to me. Dumbass cats doing dumbass shit in a dumbass store: that's my highly philosophical interpretation on the whole thing.
Van Gogh didn't have the Internet to remind him that, for every thing he tried, there were a million people who did it better. The Internet is a giant pile of self-defeat.
I have heard this before by fellow beer fans, but I disagree. Unlike a can, a bottle doesn't require an epoxy liner to prevent off flavors. The choice is simple: an aluminum can with an epoxy liner, or a simple, brown glass bottle?
I have replied to other commenters with just a "LOL" because I really found something s/he said funny. That is considered a bannable offense?
@drmrw: lol
@WestwoodDenizen: Agreed. He was already wet. Another second to save the camera seemed like a good decision.