
I’m very hhappy that The PCP laced weed I sold you guys worked

I have a pact with my fiance that we both are cool if one of us left the other for A. Captain America B. Black Widow

It’s called being supportive.

Married dude here: If my wife said, “hey I’m leaving you for Captain America,” I'd completely understand. It would suck, but I couldn't blame her.

But she knew the character, not the woman. Didn’t know her soul or what her favorite emojis are. For all Kristen knew, she turned herself into vapor at the end of filming each day. Where’s the personal connection? She didn’t know know her, you know?

“‘hey, can you hide my mustache and take off my mole-hair ... those close-ups, you never know. So I just asked them to do that”

But she doesn’t look happy at all

People like this should be punished in the manner in which people were punished at the time the relic they destroyed was made.

I think I would like Hitman Go more if I could also buy a physical reproduction of it.

Also, I honestly came into this article like “Surely Clover can’t mean...

No James, eating while not hungry will make you go bananas

Relatedly, I have been unable to discern why so many vegan YouTubers are from Australia.

All I know is that I need a bacon cheeseburger palate cleanser.

“Well we’ve clocked the tortoise at 1 mile per hour...”

This is actually not as complicated to setup as I had thought. I do not even have a technology background like most folks here on lifehacker. The steps do not require any coding, just some config in Kodi (already did it for android remotes), building a new project in an application development tool (code copied from

So here’s to you, Ms. Targaryen,
Mereen hates you more than you will know.
Whoa whoa whoa
What’s that you say, Ms. Targaryen?
Flamin’ Drogo’s left and gone away
Hey hey hey

Simon and Garfuckyou.

climate change won’t go into the wrong bathroom.

I know that this isn’t what I should be focusing on, but her eyebrows are what dreams are made of.

Plus, you can’t just decide to believe, no matter how good the pussy is.