
As a white girl with giant lips, I have to say fuck this trend. Seriously, fuck it hard.

Counterpoint: Butts are still better.

This is why John Grisham and Tom Clancy handed the job over to an intern pool. Not every book has to be The Firm. Just churn ‘em out, motherfucker.

I think he’s a Minotaur. Bull is hate speech to their kind.

Exactly! I’ve been saying this for awhile now: You either die a great writer, or live long enough to become a jeopardy question.

In that clip from ET they announced her age and weight and then implied it’s pathetic to plan your own bday party.

They should do a God of War game set in Klingon mythology.

Damn it I guess it's time for one last big score

I read somewhere that they choke their chickens. It’s horrible.

I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.

It never bothered the Smurfs.

$17k bid for Mars here.

Take my word as a woman of color, you're woke, dude.

You’re the wokest monkey we know, for sure.

Including my middle name, I have a 42 letter long-ass greek name.

I’m sure Marvel will use it at some point just to rub it in

I always considered her eight-foot. I feel vindicated.

RIP Samer.