
I can’t believe this is the same actress from Pitch Perfect 2. You have some versatility, lady.

Diddy see that one coming...

When I first met my college roommate he seemed pretty cool. A bit of a jock, but friendly and pretty smart. The, after knowing him for approximately 6 days, he came back two nights in a row and urinated all over my stuff and our room. I threatened to kill him if he did it again and a few months went by before it

I like Charlie XCX’s style and I think she looks cool. I would totally buy some Charlie XCX makeup, or some collaboration with Urban Decay or Mac, or some high waisted 90s throwback shorts, maybe some Charlie XCX designed nail decals. Tampons though, that is purely a functional product. That is not the place you make

Brought to you by the Boom Clap Tamps?

I remember it like it was yesterday - my first day at work. “Who the hell are you??” I thundered. “Who do you think I am??” my coworkers screamed, as we battled throughout the plant for hours. Each time I met a new cube-mate, there was an epic melee.

Y’all will have to excuse me for... uh... um... hmm. I’ll be right back.

I texted my husband a picture of my boobs when he was out of town once. He texted back a long response about the “dangers of the cloud.”

I fucking love the idea of using Socratic Questioning in the style of cognitive-behavior therapy in sexting. I’m just gonna ask you questions until you reach the conclusion I’d like you to reach; it’s much more salient if you’re able to get there on your own.

My favorite scene was the one where Vision talked to the last surviving Ultron robot.

You should have gone with your original title for this article: “Sand In Our Vaginas And We’re Not Even Trying To Get It Out”.

At the end, when Ultron’s trying to escape in the quinjet and Hulk jumps in through the back:

Question for the panel: When you say you didn’t feel like we really got to know the Vision, aren’t you discounting how we’ve basically had him as a minor character, Jarvis, since the original Iron Man? To me, this felt more like an extension of Jarvis, than a new character with no previous context.

Is “all day erry day” an acceptable answer seeing as how I haven’t had P in V sex in like a year??

Turtles truly are wtf pets. My mom found one under similar circumstances, and she has him(?) for a few years now. A smallish breed, from what I understand, but pretty spry and loves to climb my feet when I visit. Also loves strawberries. Weird fella, but very cute.

you’d think for multi platinum lyricists we’d do better

That farmhouse scene was so 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Since you’ve got pillow cases of cash and don’t know what to do with it, a suggestion: sit down with a therapist for a few sessions. Couple reasons.

I’d actually be pretty impressed by a donkey that could sit at a nice dinner table and manipulate the fork and knife with his hooves while carrying on a polite conversation, but still. From a human? Gotta step the game up.