
What’s up with the guy that says damn daniel? Sounds like a gay cobra commander. Am I the only one that thought that?

I’ve seen it myself, the claw is rigged as fuck. They can make it as weak or as strong as they want. I was at some arcade a while ago for a company party & a staff member saw no one was winning anything at the claw, she opened that sucker up & fiddled with a computer inside. Gave that claw a fucking vulcan death grip.

& make them pay for the wall!

I teared up, how awful

You don’t like turtles? This little dude is awesome.

Here are my little ones.

Bitch Kitty is the best name ever. I call my cat Little Batman sometimes, he like to sit on a batman rug & brood.

I lived with a girlfriend for 4 years, we had adopted a cat, dog & turtle who were all abandoned. She got a great new job in another state, we were looking for places but nobody would let us take all 3. She said we should give them up. It honestly shocked me she would say that, instantly in my head I thought “Bitch,

Holy shit, I can’t believe an adult sad that & he probably really believed it too.


Neither of those things, but I will say that those are the reasons. Teehee!

When Bane & Batman fought in Rises, I felt like I was watching Power Rangers.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Right? If a man ever said go home & ask your husband, everyone would lose their fucking minds. I lived with a single mom & 3 three sisters, of course I was sent to get them, even I wished the packaging wouldn’t be so fucking weird.

Fuck me, he would have been been a great Oak!

I was like 9 when it came out, my dad (who was & is a total asshole) used to tell me I was a homo if I ever cried, cried like a fucking BITCH when Ash was turned to stone. We gave him shit for it for so long, still do to this day.
He gets so butthurt when we bring it up.

We are best friends now, obviously.

FingersInTheBootyAssBitch is extremely common. I can’t think of a business meeting where it’s been said less than 10 times.