
You & I right now:

How can I send them this link?

Those look like you made them from a dinosaur you hunted, awesome!

That’s Taylor Swift at the link?? For real??! I’m usually not a fan of hers but she looks pretty good there.

I was thinking the same thing. See how it goes, some shit else happens then follow that. *High five*

I got the airsoft replica, it’s beautiful

My wiener retracted like a turtle head back into it’s shell.

I was going out with a girl for a while, she wasn’t into video games but she knew I was. On valentine’s day we switched gifts (we said we wouldn’t but couldn’t help it & surprised each other) I got her a necklace & she got me Dead Space 2 Collector’s edition. We were both like this at a restaurant:

Witch! Get out of my mind! I was thinking about this movie the other day, gonna watch it this weekend.

Oh, you’re bad!

She gives the most pumped up look at :37 after she says ready, it’s adorable.

I was under the impression that pranks were little jump scares or like a PSYCH! type of thing, something everyone can get over in a second. Even feeling for a second that your child may have died has got to be awful, this is not a prank, I don’t know what this.

I bet it will be similar to the story of RE1, only this time Leon will be a rookie on STARS working under Chris. But what about Jill?!?!

Let me axe you something, would you recommend it?


I don’t even know what to think right now. I think... I think.... I think I’d actually do her. Fuck, must be the dehydration talking, sucks to be in California right now.