
It’s impossible to say how much agency she had in the publication of GSAW, and whether or not it was a draft that was never meant to see the light of day.

Under a Clinton Presidency we’d have no additional mental health funding

It’s all well and good to express doubt about this being the white reaction to the song. But by claiming that “most white people have no opinion on this song,” you’re doing the same thing you accuse others of doing, i.e. speaking for a giant group of people whose views you really don’t know. Maybe you should stop to

I did not catch all of the speech, but I did see part of it and included in what I saw was explicit acknowledgment that the legislation her husband passed and she supported had contributed to this problem in ways they did not foresee and that addressing and supporting students as whole people and preventing them from

SO MUCH THIS. I am effing tired of people talking about black America’s problems as something that can be solved by helping/teaching/encouraging/making richer/giving jobs to black people. How about we do something about the way white people and white institutions treat black people, hmmmm?

She’s probably talking about restorative justice programs. I’m having trouble doing links on my phone, but it’s a concept that’s been reducing suspension and drop-out rates across the country. While critics deride the idea of students - and sometimes faculty - talking things out, it turns out that if you encourage

I want to learn more about what kind of program she’s talking about. Maybe she’s talking about bringing in counselors, specialists, and educators who are understanding and culturally sensitive and have a track record 0f taking students seriously and following through with these students’ concerns when students say

Can black artists just please continue to lay the politics on thick? I would just love it if every major performance post Formation is just like ‘and you thouhght Beyoncé at the Super Bowl was intense?’.

Love the ocean for keeping it real. And love octopi for being smart motherfuckers who show zoologist that THEY ARE NOT HERE TO ENTErTAIn HUMANS!

Now Now. They weren’t upset because she was BLACK. They were upset because it was disrespectful to the SOLDIERS. Because se should have used that time to pay tribute to the AMERICAN SOLDIERS. That’s what the Superbowl half-time is all about right?

Right choice. Right choice.

I would probably muster a very dry “Terrible ideology and bad taste? Oh, honey. God bless.”

These standards DO apply to adults in the real world. If I made a racist remark to someone at work, I would lose my job. If we want to treat college students like adults, then they to need to understand that even legal actions can have unfavorable consequences.

If you’re going with the college student = adult analogy, then you must extend it to college = work. If visitors were coming to tour my workplace and a group of coworkers behaved in this manner, they would be fired immediately.

The college disciplining them does not violate their free speech.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Why does the system allow this? Former BART rider here, and you need a ticket to get out. I dont remember turnstile hopping being a problem there.

yeah, that made me uncomfortable. it is fine to criticize someone’s work but... anyone - male or female doesn’t need to be written about this way.

Depending on the role, the camera angle, the costume, and the hair and makeup, Mr. Stiller, 50, swings between polarities of trollishness and desirability. In some movies, he appears dwarfish and deformed with a head that’s too big for his body and empty space-alien eyes. He is of average height but looks shorter. And