

just sayin'

How does a sphere with a pipe in the bottom hold water?

Keep it away, keep it away, keep it away, now!

Reminds me of an episode of CSI where some hookers got surgery to look like twins to cash in on fetishists.

That is a nice theory until you consider that their latest team-up gave us Indiana Jones IV: the movie that made IJ2 "good".

How could TPM be a good movie? The Motivation to make the movie was a Gigantic Cash-in by Lucas. The only way to change the outcome of that movie would be to remove Lucas from the picture (we'll say a coma). Then, in the interest of keeping the money flowing, another director would have to be brought in.

For shear volume of nerd-core references Big Bang Theory should get a mention. I'd rate it at a 6.5/10 for funny though. I think G4's Attack of the Show pretty funny but it is a talkshow.

That show really was magic in a bottle. It is hard to imagine that kinda thing coming around again.

I have found that there is only one kind of person that uses the n-word; those that don't care about black people. You don't have to say it to convey the meaning of your point. You can use the completely not hateful analog "n-word" when talking about the n-word. Voldemort.

I don't think strip clubs do either.

Patience, my dear boy.

There is no shadow in any of these pics, most camouflage this fact. This one, not so much. Alternatively, I don't think it would be too hard to feed a kid without teeth thousands of rare-earth magnetic BB's. Then just hope you don't make him smell colors when you put him in the EM field.

I could see one of these guys being discovered swinging by the neck from the rafters with Yo Gabba Gabba playing on the flat screen. A Sony Aibo barking in the corner. A Speak and Spell on the bed.

I am about to give up on "Hurley on Ice" they need to pull back the curtain a bit on the big mystery. The criminal of the week formula needs to be peppered with change ups like:

I have never felt more Klingon than I do right now. I get this all the time at work. It makes me want to say "Fuc 'Oh" and just grow my hair long and wear a sash.

Message + Misogyny = Messagogyny


And what happens to everyone that eats chickens when the Mayans flip the switch in December? Hmmm? Didn't think about that did you? Oddly enough it is precisely the peoples of the Yucatan Peninsula who man the poultry industry around here. I'm not sure how I feel about adding brain surgery to their already