

Your wish is my command, sahib/memsahib!

Yeah and NBC paid someone to install it...

Wife spilled a gallon of milk into my new suv. I sold it three months later.

The cure to the national Greek organization problem is simple; enforce the legal drinking age and arrest those who serve alcohol to minors. It will only take a few fraternity/sorority officers per school facing charges with jail time before all the bullshit settles down. Make the Greeks pay for an on-duty Police

Your phone might be from 2017 but there is a good chance that the PSAP (public safety answering point) that you are calling into is using 20 or even 30 year old technology to answer and respond to your call. And even if they are running state of the art, if the land line carrier that feeds them is not modern then

I was a body piercer for almost 20 years. Pictures are one thing...face to crotch is a whole different thing entirely. ;)

SERIOUSLY! I wanted to read that book since the fans are crazy about it, and they won’t shut up about it. Well, the prologue and the appendices go on forever! That’s great world building but do I really need to know how to properly sacrifice a lamb! So I’m almost through the main plot (apparently there are 3 fan fics

Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong.