Fuck off, troll.
Fuck off, troll.
This is very true. Robert Vaughn wrote his PhD dissertation on how much America lost by not having a national theatre, that losing out on talented actors who couldn’t afford to get started lost us so much talent.
Your tipster is mistaken. It was written by George M. Cohan during WWI. I gather tipster is not a James Cagney fan and hasn’t seen “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” And that’s just un-American.
I had a hat like that — I even went to the effort to make it myself — in the late ’70s. That’s me, always on top of the latest trends.
Tune it out. Science reporting is horrible. Most journalists writing about “scary” new studies have no idea how to read a scientific paper. They oversell every finding and treat it like holy writ.
Bullshit. Try reading The Hunting of the President, by Gene Lyons and Joe Conason, then get back to us.
I’m with you. I’m old, so I remember this horseshit from the first go-around. She just wasn’t credible.
That’s because you don’t know your movie history. The Maltese Falcon was the third version of that story, and one of the earlier versions had Bette Davis in the Mary Astor role.
Smile (1975) is really great, too. If you have TCM in your cable lineup, it’s probably available OnDemand for the next couple of days, because they showed it the other night.
Oh, no! Facts!
That’s an asshole construction, dude.
Oh, please, child. The military absorbed women, the special forces will, too.
Well, at least they didn’t lie and tell you condoms are permeable. Evangelical classes just make shit up.
Depends on where you’re looking. Overall, the stats are better, but states that insist on abstinence-only education have seen a rise in teen pregnancy.
I’ve heard that curriculum is great!
Scarleteen is a great site, run by an adolescent medicine specialist, IIRC.
So you’re saying she went on TV and LIED to my FACE?!
Louis B. Meyer and Harry Warner answered to New York.
You have to use the right dough. I’d imagine it’s softer than drop or roll-out dough, more batter-like.
They aren’t spending their own money, so why not?