
Some men just want to watch the world burn. But even the Joker thinks this is fucking absurd.

Maybe the young’uns frankly don’t realize that they should still tip on a counter-service order.

My rule: if I paid at a counter, I’m not tipping. Neither should these kids unless they’re sitting down with a menu, getting actual table service and paying at the end.

The carpet should match the coach:

Dan Snyder really needs to have Zach Brown banned. 

Jesus is helping Drew. God still hates the Vikings. 

Tramadol has some startling side effects.

They really tried to figure out who did it, interviewed tons of people. They even spoke with the dogs’ breeder and main suspect, Ernest Mal. They never got anything from him though, because Mal’s a mute.

The dogs were looking a little huskier than usual.

Lets call it what it is. Begging on the internet. 

GoFundMe is a pox on society. Who the fuck is giving this dipshit charity because he was caught in the act of multiple crimes? Why can’t he afford an attorney if he can afford a hellcat?

“But I had to go to the bathroom. I’m sorry if that makes me a bad guy.”

- Have the Jags start Blake Bortles or Cody Kessler at QB

- Have DeSean Waston back at QB

Might end up being the best for the Bills future though. A win could be the difference between drafting at no 7. for a guy who’s going to leave as soon as his rookie contract ends vs. no 12. for a guy who’s traded for a future 4th round pick after his first year.

I would pay $5 to have you record a video telling Roger Goodell to fuck his fist

Daily thoughts of a lawyer

She tried very hard to get him to pull out and he wasn’t having it. She’s pretty worried

At some point in your life, probably several points, you’ve discussed how much money you would have to be paid in order to do something painful or humiliating.”

Dude looks like if Jason Statham went on a diet where he was only allowed to eat quality USMNT wins