Rhesus Pieces

The best thing about the latest consoles is they tend to go into “suspend” mode and you can fire them up instantly and start playing. Makes a 15-minute gaming session actually practical.

I don’t really understand the reasoning that, given the 3 options you have laid out, it is a given that he preferred the “condemn the president and get fired” option but chose this one anyway because he was too scared to go through with it. It is quite possible he just felt that was the wrong thing to do.

These were always the plays you ran when you were up 30 and trying to spice things up.

Good call, I would say this is the one to beat.

That’s a good choice, but I think he at least has the excuse that it happened so fast and your instinct is to make a play on the ball.

How does this rank in terms of individual fuck-ups in recent history? Got to be top-3, right? Not just the fact that he made a mistake, but the amount of premeditated hubris involved.

How do you simultaneously think “we should trade this player” and “this player is so good we need to make sure the team who gets him isn’t competing with us for playoff spots because then they will beat us.”

We have a long way to go regarding mental health acceptance, but I’m impressed how few people have come forward to dismiss Griffen as “crazy” as opposed to someone in need of help.

It seems unlikely they actually paid the market rate for John Elway to endorse this shit, does he just really like fracking or does he own a fracking company or something?

Yes, but did he profit from these activities?  If so, he is simply a smart man!

Is that that message of this piece, though?  I’m not sure it is safe to assume that.

I think the concept of “keep the original call unless it is incontrovertible” has its limits and should not apply in situations where where the video reviewer has a drastically better vantage point, such as this.

Did Banksy actually say that the purpose of the stunt is to protest the idea of art being sold for lots of money? Because most of the criticism I see is based on this assumption and the obvious hypocrisy, but do we know that is the message?

This is unfair because you have to look at the product on the field.  Give the people of LA an exciting young team contending for a Super Bowl and they will show up!

She has a point. It is the same reason I recently blacked out my AT&T phone to support those who are literally mobilizing our world.

Does anyone remember the Watch Dogs 2 skill tree? It was basically the opposite of the Origins one, with tons of incredibly cool skills. I went out of my way to unlock as many skills as I could without advancing in the game because the missions were so much more fun when you could do things like turn off the lights or

Rats!  Like many others I was really hoping we could trample all over the 1st amendment in order to win a small moral victory against Trump!  Fuck the justice system!

This is a good idea as long as we assume benevolent liberals will control our government forever.

Thank you for proving that made-up, idiotic arguments will always proliferate faster than they can be debunked.