Rhesus Pieces

Big Flu Shot is at it again.  Follow the money!  They’re all in on it!

The similarities between that 40 year old incident and the annual flu vaccine are definitely enough to justify an end to flu shots. Smart!

Is it possible he is trying to sell the idea to potential trade partners that it isn’t a fire sale and he’s happy to walk away and keep Butler?

He is a conservative who likes conservative things but hates Trump because Trump is terrible. Most of us already hated Trump because he is conservative, but hate him even more because he is terrible.

The idea that major US policies related to Saudi Arabia are being decided based on a $50 Million wrestling event is idiotic.

Eli’s legacy will now be as a counter-factual to any QB that supposedly isn’t good, but appears good because of his talented teammates.

I use Feedly since I mostly read on my PC, but it isn’t great on iOS because most RSS feeds only have a stub so you click, load a paragraph, then you click again and bring up the mobile site and you’re in some fucked up embedded browser (you can have it open in Safari or Chrome, but that has its own issues).

Me: Time to vote in some democrats!

I guess if the crazed dictator who loves to personally meddle in his country’s sports programs asks you to restrain yourself, you have to listen.

Even DNA evidence is useless if the rapist claims it was consensual, or that the victim came on to them in order to frame them or whatever other bullshit people say.

I really, really wish they would have asked her to cite an example of what hard evidence of sexual assault would even be because I honestly have no clue.

Personally, I am willing to accept people who believe in souls, even though I do not. It only becomes a problem when said people want the state to enforce these beliefs on others. Within the bounds of this article I see nothing like that so I don’t see a problem.

I’ve had free Helix credits I got from UPlay since Unity and I still haven’t spent any of them because I have yet to see a need. I am a person who would rather waste money than time so if I ever reached a point where I felt spending money would save pointless grinding I would do it (angrily) but 80+ hours into Origins

I think the idea of a tie at the end of regulation needs to be viewed a lot less favorably by NFL coaches, so any strategy designed to win instead of tie is good with me.

If Garrett’s plan for victory was predicated on recording a safety in overtime, then it is even worse then we thought.

the way our defense was playing, the idea was to pin them down there.

Easy: become a partisan extremist and ignore any “fact” that conflicts with your world view.

This is an attempt to lean into the perceived absurdity of the situation, and it is actually pretty effective at that. “Now we’re looking at high-school calendars? What a farce!”

I won’t comment on Weezer’s body of work as a whole, but it seems clear to me that the lyrics to that song are supposed to be ironic and satirical in nature.