This is an attempt to lean into the perceived absurdity of the situation, and it is actually pretty effective at that. “Now we’re looking at high-school calendars? What a farce!”
This is an attempt to lean into the perceived absurdity of the situation, and it is actually pretty effective at that. “Now we’re looking at high-school calendars? What a farce!”
Personally, I have every reason to believe Rowling will come up with a good explanation that fits in with the story. In her writing, she has very little history of taking lazy shortcuts to introduce a plot twist.
Great idea, but not quite there in the execution. A printer that could sit unobtrusively on my living room bookcase instead of in my office would be great, but needing to unfold it everytime is a deal-breaker.
I won’t comment on Weezer’s body of work as a whole, but it seems clear to me that the lyrics to that song are supposed to be ironic and satirical in nature.
“Mr Howard, what sort of contribution do you expect from the bench next year?”
I would wager every sheqel in my pocket there is nothing qabalistic going on.
Sirius has way more subscribers that Spotify (30+M versus 20M) and the fact that their service is extremely expensive is more of a positive that a negative in the ‘thriving’ department.
I like to read nonfiction, or “ideas” books in the morning — Charles Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit,” things like that.
Who is the message “Red Lives Matter” directed at? People who are pro-fire?
It is becoming clear that the greatest lie advertisers ever sold is that advertising doesn’t work.
On the other hand, I’m sure the Red Sox fan wishes he hadn’t been shocked.
There’s going to be hindsight, 50/50, all that stuff.
I believe I can skip this one.
In my opinion the interface is great, but the route selection is inferior to Google Maps and Waze (especially in rush hour traffic), the ability to search for a place by name isn’t nearly as good, and it gets you lost much more often (in my case this usually involves delivering you to a random spot a few blocks from…
[Moves Apple Maps from Dock to “Apple” folder, never to be heard from again]
So we’re not allowed to abuse women and treat them like objects, but we’re not supposed to exclude them altogether either? What the hell do you want from us? (sarcasm, obviously)
On the email topic, people who write mundane internal emails like a junior high term-paper are the worst. “Although I am not available during the currently allotted time, perhaps we can reschedule at an alternate date which is more conducive to my participation.” You don’t sound smart, you sound like an idiot.
Not that there is anything wrong with this analysis, but the fact the a 6-paragraph article about the “comedy” categories argues that the winner isn’t dark enough without even mentioning whether any of the shows are funny kind of exemplifies why these award shows are obsolete, IMO.
More needs to be written about the Bear’s second touchdown drive. It seemed like Nagy saw Trubisky looking lost out there and decided to craft a sequence of plays that essentially handed a TD drive to Trubisky on a platter, which is a very impressive thing to do.
To be sure, anything affecting an audio signal which boosts/cuts certain frequencies has the potential to make that audio sound subjectively better. Heck, some albums probably sound better on Beats headphones than on a $5,000 pair because that those albums could use some extra bass.