In my experience, when you live in a blue city/state the Democrats become the bad guys and the Republicans are the ostensible good guys except for they hate gays and abortion rights and the minimum wage so you can’t win.
Any theme song that literally describes the action about to take place is incredibly cheesy. Even the guys who wrote the Full House theme song were like “don’t explicitly mention the whole girls raised by three dudes thing, we want this thing to be taken seriously.”
I’ve always known women do not understand sports, but until a woman wrote an article claiming Nathan Peterman is bad at quarterbacking, I didn’t have the proof.
This is an unfortunate reminder that it is pretty much impossible at this point for any mass-market medium to make any kind of bold political statement. This episode could have been the Gettysburg Address of anti-Trump statements and you’d still have right-wing partisans who didn’t even watch it doing financial damage…
we’re getting into some, ah, tricky territory for historical fiction to navigate without running entirely off the rails and exploding in a fiery mangled wreck of offensive stereotypes.
Considering his base, this should have been the easiest tweet of the year. Just include the words “brave first responders” and its instant gold. If I’ve ever seen evidence that he isn’t “stupid like a fox” this is it.
In lawsuits filed in county courts in Michigan and Pennsylvania in August, NMAC said it is owed more than $9.5 million for vehicles it alleges were sold out of trust.
Remember, the fact that he showed up for Chicago (after they gave him a long-term contract) but wouldn’t show up in Oakland (who wouldn’t) proves he had a petulant vendetta against the Raiders. Gruden is the victim here!
Sometimes, as a football fan, it is hard not to pull for a team like the Lions after getting walloped like this. Thankfully, Matt Patricia solved that problem for me. Let the dumpster fire rage on!
The only freak accident I see here is the official spelling of “Bronchos.”
Your point would be more valid if the drama didn’t directly impact the outcome. At a minimum this must be viewed as a match where the winner (who admittedly was outperforming her opponent) was helped by bad officiating.
The correct response is to fix the rules, but it they really want to make it illegal to hit the quarterback hard they need to also make it illegal for a quarterback to throw the ball away while being tackled. Basically, say an incomplete pass that leaves the QBs hands after they are touched by a defender who tackles…
To say the better NFL team win 55% of the time is to say that being better than every single opponent you play is only worth 1 extra win per season. To cite one example, the Patriots have won 12 or more games for 8 years in a row. That is incredibly good luck.
“How often does the better team win” honestly, when all is said and done, probably no more than 55% of the time.
the NCAA has mandated that several UK players will have to miss two “supervised team activities”
Even if you are anti-choice, you should at least be able to grasp that by banning abortion you are making the lives of millions of people worse in service to religious conviction that you [ostensibly] hold and a majority of Americans do not, and be able to acknowledge that you are trampling on the concept of democracy…
The idea of some shadow justice system where our entire society collectively decides to ignore the talents of people we believe have done something wrong is a very strange concept to me.
He doesn’t have to care about player safety in order to not want his own players to miss games. If anything, the fact that he went out of his way to injure players on the other team shows that he considers injuries to be detrimental to winning games.