Rhesus Pieces

This article has been posted for 20 minutes and the comments section is already clogged with people humble-bragging about the fact that they have $300.

it feels pretty ridiculous for any football coach to get mad at any football player for getting hurt while playing a violent and dangerous game.

The irony is that introducing any of these “canonical” books into an intellectual discussion actually makes you look like an idiot because it seems like you haven’t read anything since high school.

In the year 2058, these documents will be obtained by the history channel and will be revealed in a quickly-ignored TV special where a bunch of experts insist that this would have been huge news during the Trump administration.

All they had to do is wait an hour, find some tweets from Twitter eggs, and they could have made the obligatory “People are attacking Lena Dunham because her 13 year old dog died” article, which pretty much writes itself.

I’m more offended by him wearing what I assume is a “Bret Michaels Band” T-shirt.

Good. Now that the box is fixed, hopefully they address the taste. These crackers teach children that gorillas are delicious and it is important that they learn the true taste of ape-flesh.

What kind of asshole claims that being a spectator at a sporting events is anything like being in the trenches of war?

It seems like a couple years ago we reached a tipping point where charging a not-attainable-for-average-folks premium for upgraded service became less stigmatized and now it is everywhere. Even my local town’s fireworks display had $200 lawn chairs in the front row with free soft drinks. At this point, there aren’t

“I will tell you I have been very, very clear with employees here that it is not our jobs to cover politics, purely.”

Essential Phone showing $334 for me.  Maybe sold out?

Essential Phone showing $334 for me.  Maybe sold out?

I noticed that Amazon Prime started doing this with some of their original series. I was a little annoyed by it, but I also had never heard of the show being advertised, was intrigued by the trailer,  and ended up watching and enjoying it so I’m kinda on shaky ground to be critical.

Anytime I see someone just randomly out and about (not traveling or doing anything crazy with their phone) and they are like “hey, an outlet, thankfully I can charge my phone which is very low” it blows my mind. I charge my phone at night and basically never run out of battery. Why make it so difficult?  Just charge

There is a similar situation with Bears coach Matt Nagy. His name is constantly being pronounced multiple ways and he refuses to give a strong endorsement to either one (though he admits he says Neggy), which is starting to bug me. Just take a side!

Wouldn’t the money be paid to the current owner?

Is Chipotle funding the KKK or something? They are clearly on the GMG shit-list but I honestly don’t know why.

She won’t be coming, mostly due the pregnancy, but also has no interest in the show.

I have to believe a major reason why QBs are paid so well is that “not signing a good quarterback” is perceived as a fireable offense while “hamstringing franchise by overpaying QB” is not.

This isn’t a plot, it’s a marketing decision. Demand better pockets and you’ll get them. Or design your own line of clothing that works better and get rich.