The Rheal Jim Beau

That Maine wedding resulted in 170 cases and 7 deaths (the deceased did not attend the wedding, they were “adjacent”). Let’s see if there will be contact tracing after this event. Republicans want to deny their are vulnerable and rebuff all attempts to contain these types of cluster Covid-19 outbreaks.

It would be interesting to learn if there were any infection clusters resulting from this.

May we all keep gettin’ it in our 70s, just like Suzanne. 

You know, there are other blogs on the interwebs - nobody is forcing you to stick around. I’m not sure what exactly you’re expecting from a dirt bag column, but naked Mark Ruffalo telling folks to vote works for me.

You’re a fucking loser, now kindly fuck off. 

Trump’s artificial stamina will be flattening as he withdraws from the dexamethasone steroid (6 times as powerful as prednisone) that propelled him into his joyride. Either that or he’ll stay pumped up on a very dangerous drug and get crazier by the minute.

Also, the media has been pointing out that he’s obese every 15 minutes for the past 72 hours.  There’s no way Trump would consent to a plan that involved the media talking about how old and fat he was so often for days on end.

I’m sure he steamrolled the docs into sending him back to the WH. I predict he’ll be on a ventilator by Saturday. 

To all you conspiracy people who think Trump is playing 3d chess and pretending to have Covid to garner sympathy, I say thee nay.

Hope Claudia doesn’t have a serious case and fully recovers.

So that’s what the Crypt Keeper meant when she said “For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.”

You’re assuming they’ve had any contact in the last three years.  I’m guessing with all the Trump tensions there’s probably been some degree of separation.

Yes, but Mike Lee and Tom Tillis are both on the Senate Judiciary Committee. If one more GOP Senator on the committee tests positive, Democrats will have a majority on the committee that will determine if Judge Coney Barrett's nomination goes to the full Senate for a vote.

OK, take yer dang star!

Don’t forget drug use.

The difference between Trump and most of the others on this list is how many high-risk categories he falls into: age, BMI, and--as we now know from his tax returns--low income.

Meanwhile, Herman Cain’s ghost:

Hey Donnie, try shooting up with bleach.  Maybe that’ll help (speed the process up).

“Hang in there, buddy!”