Clearly yes. In your sarcastic response, you missed a qualifying word: too. All parties involved look very bad, especially the Crypt Keeper. American Idol didn’t have to air that segment and certainly didn’t have to give any of them the redemption clout they are so desperately seeking.
I don’t think there are. If you check out the @justiceforclaudiaconway TikTok it’s pretty clear that other young people see what’s going on... but somehow every adult in her life appears oblivious.
Because that show is notorious for exploiting it’s contestants? But yeah, let’s blame a 16 year old, not her grifter parents and and giant TV show.
no there aren’t.
Counterpoint: nah, she’s in on the grift too. As rich as her parents appear to be, why would she show up on a TV show where the contestants are generally underdogs or hidden gems using this as their big break into fame? Think about that.
Being born to Kellyanne is really, REALLY bad; based on the above, being psychoanalyzed by Katy Perry is even worse.
JFC...just reading this story makes you feel soiled. Are there no sane adults in this kid’s life?
I dunno...I’d be willing to try locking the whole Trump family in a trailer park that they can’t leave, forcing them to live alongside a bunch of their followers for a few months. Of course it would only work if the rest of us were allowed to watch 24/7, Truman Show-style.
Precisely. Because at the end of the day, they don’t think they did anything wrong. Their attitude is the foundation of this country.
Very on-brand for her, though!
If we’ve learned anything from the past 5 years it is that rich sociopaths should never have to face any consequences, because they’re just plain better people than the rest of us.
Well, duh. Now that we have these deep insights from inside the belly of the beast, we can all look forward to radical changes in the US carceral system. In the meantime, Anna here is working on her next grift. Congrats, Insider, for being her first shill.
Yet, there’s plenty in it for her.
First, she will definitely get a sizable book deal since she the type of E! oddity pseudo-celeb that people love to read about.
Second, she’ll get plenty of image rehab as a payed guest on a variety of “comedian” hosted pop culture podcasts of interviews portraying her as a person who…
I think that her statement can be true and yet also flippant and remorseless. While prisons definitely need a massive overhaul and shift away from punishment and toward individualized rehabilitation, this particular woman is such a piece of work that I translate her little diatribe to: “Well, there was nothing in it…
So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.
A) this is one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood. Everyone knows who Joss is but everyone still wanted a paycheck. Everyone in the industry knew about Bill, Harvey, Kevin; we knew about them all. Our voices were ignored
Generally, I wouldn’t expect that, though, because people create and lead megachurches because of a thirst for power and fame, not out of any spiritual vision. They cloak enough of their ambitions in spiritual language to throw most of the public off their scent, but it's there if you know what to look for. Teaching…
Any religious faith focused on anti-promiscuity, anti-gay, and believes in magic books and magic powers will lead to promiscuity and abuse.