Why should he debate? Viziers operate in the shadows and that’s what he is.
Why should he debate? Viziers operate in the shadows and that’s what he is.
Expected things are expected. Yurtle got tutelage from Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, two of the biggest bigots ever to sit in the Senate. It’s not really a wonder that he’s turned out to be evil, too.
Watch how quickly the narrative flips when one of these assholes gets his head turned into a canoe when one of the people he is “using his god given constitutional right” to shoot at shoots right back.
In the week after the shooting, half a million dollars donated towards Rittenhouse’s legal defense came through his lawyer’s nonprofit, several hundred thousand more were raised separately through a Christian crowdfunding site, bringing the teenager’s exoneration fund to over $1 million.
Just what we need, a bunch of unqualified, possibly sociopathic, George Zimmermans running around.
When going to the gym and having a shapely ass is your only life skill you take photos of it. Brands give you money to drape said ass in their products. This is because Robocop was a warning we didn’t listen to.
An influencer is someone who gathers a large number of followers on social media and then monetizes that by posting products/ads. The most successful influencers also make money from attending/speaking at events. People become influencers for a number of reasons—a few actually have skills, like rollerskating or rock…
Influencer, is a polite term for narcissist. Avoid them at all costs.
My mother is thankfully somewhat aware and agrees with me that the US has done a (purposefully) shameful job containing the virus. However, when I told her “you know, we can’t even leave the country right now because no country will allow us to travel there, places like Canada.” There was a couple of beats where it…
I have now had a couple of acquaintances who have had covid twice.
“If she didn’t know that everyone else knows the United States is a complete, incompetent mess at this pandemic, she wasn’t paying attention!”
Pretty sure she was going to start a preschool for gorilla babies.... so they can get a head start on learning how to eat leaves, migrate and sleep.
Two thoughts other than the obvious eye rolling this induced:
I was supposed to go to the Middle East before the end of the year. Because the United States is a shit show, we are labeled a high risk country. As soon as I land, the government required me to quarantine for seven days at my own expense where I will be PCR tested twice a day. If I ever test positive, I will be…
When reached for comment on this situation, gorillas walked away totally uninterested.
I have no issue believing that he doesn’t know how wet an aroused pussy can get. What I don’t understand is the Bad Word metric. Why are ‘whore’ and ‘ass’ okay, but ‘pussy’ isn’t? Who’s making these rules? Is it just people who are afraid of female genitalia? You afraid of the pussy, Ben?
There’s not a doubt that while little Benny is having the vapors over “the p-word”, he has no problem calling a woman he doesn’t like a fucking cunt.
... to say nothing of the vibrant communal bath culture ...
As a person with a disability, he may want to reconsider his whole stance on wanting to be more like ancient Greeks and/or Romans.
“We need to be more like the Greeks and the Romans!”