The Rheal Jim Beau

In the same monologue, he claimed to have begun trying to rid his body of “toxins,” chief among them the mind-controlling, “IQ-crushing” fluoride, which Jones and other conspiracists have argued for years is put in the water supply to dumb us all down

we call this the acceptance phase

I also hope that Ramsey, C is checked in as “Chef Ramsey”

what’s the point of using names of people that are more famous than you as an alias?

Barry Melrose is an odd hill to die on.

Nerves of steel, balls of brass, and mouths of sailors. My kind of guys. Bravo, motherfuckers.

My buddy* John Spano could teach these guys a thing or two.

Kathy Ireland, man.

It had bare boobies. In a pre-Internet world, that was all a man really needed. Damn millennial degenerates don’t know how good they have it.

Shouldn’t it have been “tug?” Or have I been doing it all wrong?

A ticket for sleeping in your car versus possibly murdering someone. A question for the ages!

I live in a rural area like you describe. I find it hard to believe he couldn’t have called family or a friend. They certainly emphasized how close his family was and how they all lived close by in his season.

Nobody said there were endless opportunities. But excluding taxis, livery services and Uber/Lyft, there are still several others, including (as has been pointed out) phoning the police or fire departments. If the options available (and they are available) are simply not attractive enough, there’s always the choice to

Sheriff Clarke, like Sheriff Joe, is one of those “tough on crime” types who would happily tear up the Constitution if it meant he could dispense some real frontier justice on the “bad guys” he is so desperate to punish.

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

Thomas was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and his family claims the shooting was sparked by a mental breakdown, an allegation that could be backed up by his erratic behavior, as described by The Washington Post

Looks like someone in Des Moines is about have the most dramatic rose ceremony ever.

That’s the same face I make when I eat too many tacos and wake up at 4am.

He just has to whip himself into shape and make sure his ego doesn’t get bruised if he doesn’t get a majority of the carries. Maybe branch out to accommodate different facets of the offense, you know, switch it up.

I see what you did there (I think)!