The Rheal Jim Beau


I vote for the Football McFootballfaces.

My boss has a lot of very colorful stories. We’ve worked together for 26 years, so I’ve heard them all multiple times.

Knee was down by contact.

Could you lock him in the bathroom, pay him the $3000...then go into work to cover his shifts on OT and maybe end up making money on this?

Speaking of free-market capitalism...isn’t that what he refers to when talks about “political correctness? “

The 538's main problem is that as part of the media, they published their predictions...then readers stayed away from the polls since Hilary didn't need their vote.

The person who texts and drives says:

I saw “Big Daddy” Cecil Fielder play shortstop once.

Yakety sax?

Two words:

Big Expos fan as a kid. Back then the Jays were only on TV once a week, but you could catch the Expos 4-5 times a week as long as you didn’t mind the announcing being en francais (“quatrieme manche, une balle, deux prise, et la lancer...”).

In junior hockey, a player can be drafted, sign a pro contract and get paid while spending an extra year in junior.

“I’m not sure anything will top the Heat retiring Michael Jordan’s number...”

I think that’s what Khabib was talking about when he called it a sport of respect.

Ir’s not just the commercials... the Canadian broadcaster also digitally replaces in-stadium ads with Canadian Tire ads and puts a fleet of Tim Horton blimps over the stadium, all with 1987 technology... it'svery distracting. 

Sometimes when you look for the perfect explanation, you overlook the obvious:

Also...do good head coaches and good assistant coaches have similar skill sets?

“If you listen to stories from people around him he was a controlling piece of shit...”

Serious question: PTI always comes back during the commercial break for 15-seconds of live mic...I’ve always wondered: