The Rheal Jim Beau

“Light the candle!”

“I’m an avid reader. Name anything Avid has written, I’ve likely read it.”

I used to live with a couple who I called “mom & dad” (they were my parents). Neither had a law degree. They told me if I was ever intoxicated, don’t drive.

“The problem a lot of teams have is that they want the ‘Messiah’ quarterback that shows up and solves all of their problems. Those quarterbacks exist...”

Jeff Garcia?

30 year old pro athletes are allowed to age gracefully. When you trade your graceful aging period for a 15-year-long peak, you forfeit exiting with your dignity.

And D’Antoni too.

In the Reality TV generation, the 19 Republicans team up to pick everyone off (unless the Dem’s could form an unholy alliance with the Whigs).


So...only the old driver’s die, or are we going to bring the spectators closer to the track so everyone can experience the danger?

In youth hockey in Canada, that’s a one year suspension for the coach (pulling your kids off the ice and going home).

I know some COBs (crotchety old buggers) who would wear that to their own funeral.


I remember when Amelia Earhart was a lawyer and married Dennis Franz.

This is the point where the Clippers would kidnap the wishy-washy FA until he agreed to stay.

EDIT: double post

You had me until everyone dies in (or out of) the C130.

I think at some point, we realize “they were all just jobs.”

His win total is a testament to his longevity, not necessarily his greatness.

I regretfully invoke my power of veto to block Cujo.