Since his ability to get them to the salary floor is the first notable contribution in team history, I nominate Clarkson to be the first Golden Knight to get his number retired.
Since his ability to get them to the salary floor is the first notable contribution in team history, I nominate Clarkson to be the first Golden Knight to get his number retired.
Best outcome would be keeping Melo and swapping Kristaps for Boston’s pick...only to belatedly realize that they traded for one of Boston’s 22 second rounders instead of #3.
The Cavs went on an 0-1 run to finish the playoffs. Extrapolated over a full season, thats 0-82...which makes next year’s Cav’s pick pretty valuable.
Common doc, could you dumb it down a little?
Trump has been president for 140 some odd days and he hasn’t announced that space aliens exist...this has got to be the best proof that Area 51 is just a regular run-of-the-mill test facility right?
Third party law (aka Ad Coelum Trio Partem) means Gary Johnson or Jill Stein were somehow involved.
Destroying things as a form of punishment teaches a weird lesson. Why wouldn’t this produce an adult who feels it’s logical to destroy communal property to settle domestic disputes?
Le Yoda de Bruleur?
Now this is a story all about how
Joe Pa’s statue got flipped-turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how he became the prince of a college town west of Wilkes-Barre
I accept your challenge:
My high school English teacher was a sports writer. He was big into Shakespeare...we watched videos of all the classics.
Nate Silver (yespecially I realize the Deadspin community is currently split on Nate) said back in 2013 that two Toronto franchises would each have bigger fan bases than the next largest NHL market (I’m paraphrasing).
A.) The son/daughter of a goalie.
In hockey the first player off the bench (and his coach) get suspended. In baseball you could double the fun by suspending the first player out of the dugout and the first player out of the bullpen.
Any professional team that takes a cent of public money, should have to take on the name of a local tourist trap as a means of repaying the money through advertising.
My grade 12 English teacher (who was, in no particular order: a sports writer, an alcoholic and a big Willie Shakespeare fan), used to point out that the Blue Jays’ original owners were the Labatt Brewing Company...bottlers of Labatt Blue.
Crumb rubber may be better than regular old asphalt...but polymer modified asphalt is better still.
So did the 1973 Chevy Vega.
Real time travel sucks.