
It’s demeaning to compare the provision of basic human needs to “keeping the streets clean.” He’s not decrying large-scale human suffering and the lack of humane solutions, he’s complaining that lots of times the dirty smelly people are, like, really close to him.

It’s the advice of a coward.

The hell are you talking about friend? I don’t worry that “everybody” has a gun, but maybe the dude running around stealing people’s shit does. It's pretty standard advice to report crimes to the police instead of trying to confront the perpetrator directly. 

Trump could definitely out-cheat him in golf, anyway.

I assume that anybody who takes part in issuing official recommendations about child nutrition or parenting is automatically registered in the federal witness protection program.

I’m glad this turned out well, and I’m not trying to criticize Scott specifically here, but in general it’s a bad idea to personally confront a thief or another potentially violent criminal like this. If the guy had a gun it could have turned into something a lot worse than a missing purse.

I agree that feature updates should be every 12 months instead of every 6. However the comparison with Apple isn’t very relevant - they have total control over the hardware fleet whereas Microsoft is pushing updates to machines made by many different OEMs (not to mention custom built devices).

Here’s what I do when I find myself standing at the bar for too long: leave and find a different place to spend my money.

If you see something, and you have the savvy and insight of a psychiatrist, say something.

I’m an IT sysadmin, Windows updates can fail for any number of reasons. Common ones include low disk space, third-party anti-virus software, network or power interruptions, outdated device drivers, and component-level hardware issues. In other words it almost always boils down to some problem with the individual

I like to mix it in with the bread crumbs if I’m doing chicken cutlets or something. It adds flavor without messing up the texture.

wanting to try and be as protective and helpful as possible

It may seem to you that things are working “just fine” but usually these updates do contain bug fixes and security patches. That certainly was the case with KB4515384.

Lame corporate chain PR lackeys versus crazy-eyed NFL fans infected with brain worms. Here’s hoping both sides can lose.

“He said that? Jesus.”

I lurk on Twitter because there’s a dril tweet for everything, including the point you’re making.

Getting hit by a truck: Biden

Nah it's all good, no apology necessary. I certainly don't mean to minimize the suffering you or anyone else has gone through with these substances either. 

It’s actually not the cigarette logo.

It’s true that it CAN happen to anybody, but it’s important to keep in mind that it only DOES happen to a relatively small percentage of people who take prescription opiates. Statistics indicate, at the high end, that under 10% of prescription users end up developing an addiction.