
The NFL’s continued prohibition of cannabis is another insane part of this story. They’re too worried about the reactions of their fascist owners and alt-right fanbase to lift restrictions on something that a lot of people both in and out of the NFL see as a workable alternative to actual pain meds.

It doesn’t even require 12+ hours of TV per day. A little Rush in the car here, some Facebook threads there, 30 minutes of Fox before dinner - soon enough your mom is mentioning how it’s legal to defecate on the streets in San Francisco during a conversation about next weekend’s birthday gathering.

Looks like someone found One Weird Trick to get out of the grays.

Right, the order-taking is NOT the bottleneck when the line backs up. It’s the actual food delivery. The only plausible defense for a move like this is that you free up one more person to work on getting food out instead of taking orders.

McDonald’s drive-thru, at least in my experience, is extremely slow yes. There’s also a link in TFA that indicates they’re measurably worse than other chains on the whole. Maybe the one you frequent is particularly well-run.

This guy wants to live in a world of only pitchers, and no belly-itchers. I won’t stand for it.

This is where I fall, I’m not a we guy but I’m also not anti-we guy. However I do work with a we guy, and when he talks about my team he always goes with “you” or “you guys.” I feel like he’s trying to turn me into a we guy and tbh I don’t love it.

I reached out to a man named Classic Jeff

I was raised on yoga pants and turned out just fine, thank you.

The thing that doesn’t exist is parents/guardians/teachers/whatever who literally ONLY say “You can be anything you want to be!” People in the real world also make kids like, do homework and stuff.

In the episode he made a point to say that you don’t actually get rid of the top and bottom - you cut them off but keep them to cover up the open ends during storage. Having a lid to push against also helps with the “push-up pop” action.

I don’t recognize any of the names mentioned in this blog, and for that I am thankful.

It’s dope that he picks up his own dog’s shit? I guess noodles was right, the bar is set really fucking low.

I’m with Claire on the butter thing, different applications call for different solutions. The same thinking can be extended to olive oil too. If you’re making a dressing or some other low- or no-heat application, then yeah you want a nice extra virgin olive oil that you can actually taste.

bro i was just kidding, i am cool with ads in general because they pay for people to do cool shit and i also get free jeremy renner content

You can’t stand ads, and yet you browse to deadspin dot com?

No worries. Yeah the murderer’s estranged wife was seeing my other uncle (the victim’s brother). My uncle who was the intended victim was not home at the time. On the same night the guy also shot and killed his wife’s parents, and yes he did get caught and is serving life in prison.

The indiscriminate prescription of pain meds is a proximate cause for a lot of the opioid crisis, right?

In 1993 when I was 10 years old my uncle and my two little cousins were murdered in a house fire in Hawaii. My aunt managed to escape with her life, but had severe third degree burns all over her body. What followed was an endless series of surgeries while she was dealing with the loss of her entire family.

“A single that isn’t a walk” is also known as a single.