
Contacting a business directly to voice your concerns is a completely valid non-coercive way to affect change, just like a boycott would be. Macy’s could have chosen to ignore the request and would have suffered zero legal consequences.

Yeah I’ve always thought that waiting for the coals to heat up is a feature, not a bug. It’s the perfect excuse to sit there with a cold beer and stare at the smoke/fire for 15 minutes or so. It’s a great summer ritual.

Eh, I’ll trade away some smoke for the superior taste that comes from letting the burger cook in its own fat. That’s good stuff you’re letting just drop down onto the coals.

“In the building” is also a pretty solid summary of my average day at work.

Yeah I do this too, but you trade away a good amount of grilling real estate obviously. I’d like to find a flat circular piece of cast iron that covers up the entire grate area, so it’s all just one big cooking surface.

True but “more like Le REtard” is sitting right there and undoubtedly being used heavily.

If you think Dead Letters are bad just imagine Le Batard’s inbox right now.

What about the victims of “funny” crimes like this? Do you think there are cases when maybe they don’t love seeing the actual police yuk it up on the internet over the time they got punched in the face or whatever?

I always know what I want too.  The four kids in front of me though? Not so much.

I’m not a fan of the freestyle machines. They’re a bottleneck and create long wait times while people mull over the options, plus that screen is pretty low on my list of things to touch right before eating.

I think professionalism and empathy is called for at all times. And I’ve contacted my local law enforcement agency to express my concerns with their “funny” twitter feed, yeah.

Aurora borealis? At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?

The nature of any particular crime has nothing to do with how police departments should be communicating with their citizens.

It's one thing for local news reporters and internet randos to crack jokes about it. It's another for the police themselves to do it via their official social media accounts. 

They very well could deserve it, I don’t know enough details to say. But my point is that this kind of shit is never funny, and it’s unethical for police agencies to crack jokes about it publicly. Crime and punishment are not laughing matters, as anyone who has found themselves personally involved on any side of any

Can you guess how many guys were arrested at this location on Wednesday?

Clean-shaven savages though.

Yeah, this. Personally I like to sear them over the coals for a few minutes on each side, then move them over to indirect heat for another 25 minutes or so. But yeah grilled skin-on, bone-in thighs are always delicious and easy as hell.

One of the best things about dark meat is how forgiving it is when it comes to temperature. If you cook a breast even a little beyond the safe eating temp (165 F), you end up with a dried out hunk of, yes, wood.

If you lose your pet, definitely still do the old-school flyer printouts. All of the helpful and attentive people in your neighborhood are off Facebook, otherwise they wouldn’t be helpful or attentive. Flyers are still the best way to get your good boy or girl back.