I tend to view vegetables more as a nutritional necessity than something particularly enjoyable, but even I think broccoli is pretty solid to be honest. Steamed with a bunch of butter, or yeah roasted? Not too shabby.
I tend to view vegetables more as a nutritional necessity than something particularly enjoyable, but even I think broccoli is pretty solid to be honest. Steamed with a bunch of butter, or yeah roasted? Not too shabby.
Click-thrus to products from those posts also generate revenue for GMG or whatever they’re calling it now, so yeah the posts are basically ads. And yes the headlines do sometimes read like a real post.
I like having an excuse to turn the damn thing off. Ah sorry babe, yeah it got down to 10%, had to power it down to save some juice in case of an emergency.
I’m kinda crooked and lumpy already.
Dude wants to pretend now like he can’t go because of his calf, when we’ve all been watching him play for years while nursing a terminal case of cheesedick.
I was asking the same thing after his last Trump piece. Trump and Mets, oof.
Yes this is another part of driving right, or even better be looking 4-5 cars ahead. Keeping a proper following distance makes it possible to see that far ahead even in a small car.
Not as much as you’re imagining. Give it a try sometime, driving is a lot less stressful if you quit worrying about people budging the line and you aren’t slamming on the brakes every 30 seconds.
If you're following at a safe distance to begin with, it requires only minor changes in speed to react if someone slots in front of you. Following distance has no direct relation to actual velocity.
Right it’s down to 10 feet for a second, so you let yourself fall back a bit and again establish a safe following distance behind the new leading car. Repeat as often as required.
That’s crazy, the other day I was driving and saw two psychos straight-up talking to each other thru their open windows right there in traffic.
Even when people aren’t consciously trying to tailgate, they tend to drive WAY too close to the car ahead of them on the highway. Two car lengths is not enough time to stop at 80 mph. Calm down and give things a little space, because not-crashing is cool.
I gotta disagree with his take, science says his power is derived from the sun.
it’ll head off complaints from Blues fans who like to hear themselves talk
Yes to all of that, but if the taxes are too high I’d expect it to look more like cigarettes than alcohol. Which is to say, there would still be a substantial black market economy. People could still get their nice packaged retail stuff, it’s just that it would “fall of the back of a truck” and not have tax stickers…
It takes a true weirdo to care about another person’s haircut.
All the more reason, economically at the least, to legalize and tax that spending.
Yeah and it ended 36 seconds in, and was shown in slow-mo. I don’t think that counts as glaring.
If you consider opiates to be depressants, then you can smoke opium and heroin.
Oh yeah he’s the best at it, that’s why I’m concerned for him. It’s like being one of those social media moderators, at some point wallowing in that cesspool just gets to you.